Key Characteristics of Web 3.0 Every User Must Know

Web 3.0 is indeed the future version of the present-day Internet which will be purely based on public blockchains. Public blockchains refer to a record-keeping system known for carrying out crypto transactions. Unlike its predecessors, the key feature of Web 3.0 is its decentralized mechanism, translating to users using the Internet via services governed by major tech players, individuals, and users. The users will also get the privilege of controlling various parts of the Internet. Web 3.0 doesn't necessarily demand any form of "permissions," meaning that the governing bodies have no role to play in deciding the Internet service accessibility, nor is any "trust" required. Hence no intermediatory body is not necessary to carry out virtual transactions amongst different involved parties. Since these online agencies are involved in most of the data collection part, Web 3.0 will protect user privacy in a better manner.

Decentralized Finance, or DeFi, is an integral component of Web 3.0 and has gained significant traction recently. It involves executing real-world financial transactions over blockchain technology without any assistance from banks or the government. Also, larger enterprises across different industries are now investing in Web 3.0, and this hasn't been easy to consider that their engagement won't be driving results in some centralized authority form.

In-Depth Understanding of Privilege Escalation Attacks

Privilege Escalation: What is it?

Privilege escalation takes place whenever a cyber-attacker deploys a bug, design flaw, or any form of a configuration error in an application or operating system for gaining elevated and direct access to the resources that are usually not available to a user. The attacker now uses the earned privileges for stealing confidential data and deploy malware with the intent of damaging the OS, server applications, and ultimately, the reputation of an organization. This type of attack on organizational data can be carried out even by an unsophisticated hacker for gaining the escalate privileges, the reason being most of the business organizations don’t use sufficient security measures and controls.

Types of Privilege Escalation

Following are the two types of privilege escalation attacks:

How Cloud is Boosting Global Digital Transformation

Case Study: AWS Selected by GE for App Cloud Provider

General Electronics (GE) has selected AWS for hosting more than 2,000 apps on the cloud platform, which includes the ones used by GE Power, GE Aviation, GE Healthcare, GE Transportation and GE Digital Divisions. Most of the applications have already migrated to AWS since GE undertook digital transformation in the year 2014.  More applications are suggested to be migrating to AWS, as it is a “preferred cloud provider” by the company.

The company chose AWS as the cloud provider because AWS is the industry-leading cloud services and allowed them (GE) to push their boundaries, thinking big and delivering better outcomes.