Using GPU in TensorFlow Model

In our last TensorFlow tutorial, we studied Embeddings in TensorFlow. Today, we will study how to increase our computational workspace by making room for Tensorflow GPU. Moreover, we will see device placement logging and manual device placement in TensorFlow GPU and will discuss optimizing GPU memory. We will also cover single GPU in multiple GPU systems and use multiple GPU in TensorFlow.

Let's begin!

The Mandelbrot Set In TensorFlow

What Is the Mandelbrot Set?

According to Wikipedia, “The Mandelbrot set is a famous example of a fractal in mathematics. The Mandelbrot set is important for chaos theory. The edging of the set shows a self-similarity, which is not perfect because it has deformations. The Mandelbrot set can be explained with the equation zn+1 = zn2 + c. In that equation, c and z are complex numbers, and n is zero or a positive integer (natural number). Starting with z0=0, c is in the Mandelbrot set if the absolute value of zn never becomes larger than a certain number (that number depends on c) no matter how large n gets.”

Visualizing the set has nothing to do with machine learning. It can be thought of as another TensorFlow example for mathematics. So, let’s learn how can we compute the Mandelbrot set in TensorFlow.

Java Language Keywords: Top 4 Keywords in Java (Part 2)

What Is an Abstract Keyword in Java?

In Java, an abstract keyword is a non-access modifier that is applicable for classes and methods, but it is not applicable to variables. These Java language keywords are used to achieve abstraction in Java, which happens to be a key feature of OOP.

Let us study some of these different contexts in greater detail.

Apache Kafka Load Testing Using JMeter

In simple words, Apache Kafka is a hybrid of a distributed database and a message queue. In order to process terabytes of information, many large companies use it. Also, for its features, Kafka is widely popular. For example, a company like LinkedIn uses it to stream data about user activity, while the company like Netflix uses it for data collection and buffering for downstream systems like Elasticsearch, Amazon EMR, Mantis, and many more.

Moreover, let’s throw light on some features of Kafka that are important for Kafka load testing:

Static Binding Vs. Dynamic Binding in Java

Static Binding in Java

In this static binding, the binding can resolve at runtime or compile time. The binding process of all static, final and private methods is done at compile time.

Dynamic Binding in Java

Overriding in Java can be considered the best example of dynamic binding as both parent and child classes have the same method — that is, it doesn’t decide on the method to be called.