SQL vs. NoSQL: Pros and Cons

What’s the best way to store, protect, and access your data? This is a fundamental, yet critical decision. After all, data is the cornerstone of success for just about every modern organization. For most companies, the choice comes down to SQL and NoSQL databases. Each has unique strengths and weaknesses.

  • SQL databases have been a proven option since the 1970s. They are made up of highly structured tables, consisting of rows and columns, related to one other through common attributes. Every column is required to have a value for its corresponding row. 
  • NoSQL (“not only SQL” or “non-SQL”) databases came along later to break the relational table straitjacket, with the ability to store and access all data types, structured and unstructured, together. 

They’re extremely flexible and easy for developers to work with and modify. Learn more about SQL and NoSQL databases and their basic differences.

NoSQL Use Cases: When to Use a Non-Relational Database

For decades, many companies have relied on relational databases to store, protect, and access their data. SQL databases, in particular, worked well for a long time and still do for many use cases. But, today, there are a wide range of situations where SQL databases can no longer satisfy the needs of modern enterprises, especially those that have made the move to the cloud. Increasingly, these companies are turning to NoSQL databases to meet their goals.

NoSQL databases are likely the better choice when: