Error Publishing .NET Core App in Azure DevOps YAML Build

Short story, I've created a simple YAML build for a .NET core project where one of the tasks publishes a simple .NET core console application. After running the build I got a strange error in the output:

No web project was found in the repository. Web projects are identified by presence of either a web.config file or wwwroot folder in the directory.

Troubleshoot YAML Build First Run

Scenario: You create a branch in your git repository to start with a new shiny YAML build definition for Azure DevOps, you create a YAML file, push the branch to Azure DevOps, and create a new build based on that YAML definition. Everything seems okay, but when you press the run button you got and error

Could not find a pool with name Default. The pool does not exist or has not been authorized for use. For authorization details, refer to

WIQL Editor Extension for Azure DevOps

One of the nice features of Azure DevOps is extendibility. Thanks to the REST API, you can write add-ins or standalone programs that interact with the services. One of the add-ins that I like the most is the Work Item Query Language Editor, a nice add-in that allows you to interact directly with the underlying syntax of Work Item query.

Once installed, whenever you are in the query editor, you have the ability to directly edit the query with WIQL syntax, thanks to the “Edit query wiql” menu entry.