How to Refactor Big Alloy Controllers

At first, you got a nicely structured Alloy controller, but as you go on, new features keep getting added, and slowly but surely you end up with a monster. Your XML file might still look okay, but your controller file starts getting hundreds of lines and the end is not in sight. Sound familiar?

How do you restructure such a mess into a well-structured file again without rewriting the entire thing? It is easier than you might think.

3 Reasons Mobile Apps Can Be Slow

Slowness comes in two flavors. One flavor includes loading screens, waiting for UI to build up, etc. The other form of slowness involves the UX — such as buttons not being as responsive as expected, default gestures, actions and animations not happening when they are expected to be happening. Both contribute to a bad user experience. In this blog post, I'll dive into the primary causes for an app to feel slow and how you can prevent most of them with a focus on cross-platform app frameworks.

Cross-Platform vs. Native

I often hear people complain about cross-platform technologies. Most of the complainers say cross-platform technologies are slow, not a match for native, web-based, for prototypes only, inferior to native, and guaranteed to fail.