How to Find the Best DevOps Tools for Your Business

Like other industries, IT needs to be more Agile to keep up with the speed of business today. The need to get software to market faster is causing more companies to bring DevOps into their enterprises. Over the last five years, DevOps adoption has grown from 54% in 2013 to 78% in 2017.¹

As DevOps increases in prevalence, companies are becoming well-versed in the business value of bringing together IT development, operations and QA teams to deliver software faster, at higher quality and with reduced costs and risks. They understand the benefits of automating, standardizing and accelerating provisioning, build, deploy and release tasks across environments.

7 Benefits of Microservices Architecture

The popularity of microservices, or microservices architecture, is growing rapidly. The global cloud microservices market is forecasted to grow to $1.8 billion over the next five years – a 22.4 percent growth rate between 2018 and 2023.¹

Microservices architecture is gaining traction because of its inherent benefits for database and application development. A modular approach, microservices architecture breaks large software projects down into smaller, independent, and more manageable pieces. As a result, it offers a number of key benefits to IT teams and their enterprises. Here are seven of the top advantages of microservices.

Continuous Integration vs. Continuous Delivery

Continuous integration or continuous delivery? Or both? It’s a question many IT teams are asking themselves. What are the key differences between each method and which will improve your processes so you deliver higher quality software to your end users in less time?

Both continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) embody the culture and principles of development in a fast-paced marketplace, speeding up and automating the software delivery lifecycle. And both share the same goal: make software development less dependent on manual tasks and releases more frequent, reliable and robust. With such overlap, CI and CD are not mutually exclusive. Yet, they are different as it relates to the scope of automation applied.

Five Benefits of DevOps for Database and How to Achieve Them

One of the major benefits of DevOps is that it speeds up the development and delivery process, typically for applications and other software development. It increases efficiency, reduces errors, and better leverages IT talent. But these benefits can be delayed when database changes are also required because most DevOps teams don’t encompass databases. As a result, many DevOps teams work in a partially divided environment that can cause delays that reduce productivity and increase costs.

The strongest DevOps teams include database administrators (DBAs), with database DevOps functioning as a natural component of DevOps processes. Incorporating DevOps processes into database changes and integrating database teams with the wider DevOps team and processes to create a single team can help increase efficiency and deliver better results to end users. Once implemented, database DevOps contributes to a leaner, more reliable, and faster development process. By adopting database DevOps, companies typically see five major benefits.

DevOps for Oracle Apps: 10 E-Business Suite Development Tips

The most effective development processes are tailored to the company and product IT teams are working with. The most effective teams develop standardized processes that help reduce errors and speed up the software delivery lifecycle while increasing efficiency for their specific product.

DevOps spans people, process, and technology, and can be integrated into every IT team. Combined with best practices for each team’s technical landscape, it can create more efficient processes that deliver high-quality software to market in less time.

What Kind of DevOps Software Does Your Business Need?

DevOps is a rapidly-growing approach to software management, development, and release. Adoption has nearly doubled year-over-year from 2017 to 2018 and Google searches for “DevOps” has more than quadrupled in the last five years.

As more companies start researching and implementing DevOps, there’s an increasing focus on the software and tools needed to enable the most effective DevOps processes. There are plenty of options available that offer a range of benefits, from reducing manual tasks and limiting errors to speeding up software delivery timeframes and improving visibility. Deciding what software is right for you requires a closer look at what types of software are available and how they play into your business needs.

6 DevOps Trends to Watch in 2019

DevOps has evolved over the last few years, but it’s still in the early part of its journey. In the next five years, the global DevOps market is expected to reach $12.85 billion. Accelerated growth will kick off in 2019 when the market will begin to experience an 18.6 percent CAGR through to 2025.¹

At Flexagon, we’re excited for how DevOps has evolved and grown to this point, but we’re even more excited about where we see the field heading. As we look ahead to the new year, we’ve rounded out the six trends that will drive DevOps growth and shape its future.