What Is Kubernetes Right-Sizing and Should I Care?

The battle for container orchestration began in the early 2010s with the rise of containerization technology. Containerization allows developers to package their applications into small, portable, self-contained units that can run on any infrastructure, from a laptop to a data center. However, managing these containers at scale can be challenging, which led to the development of container orchestration tools. The battle for dominance in container orchestration has been primarily between Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, and Mesos. Kubernetes, which was originally developed by Google, has emerged as the clear winner due to its robust feature set, large community, and strong ecosystem. Today, Kubernetes is the de facto standard for container orchestration, used by companies of all sizes and industries.

As enterprises seek to modernize their application platforms, they, in turn, are adopting the use of containers and following the Kubernetes framework.

7 Considerations for Multi-Cluster Kubernetes

In the IT space today, customers often intermix Multi-Cloud and hybrid-cloud terms without necessarily understanding the distinction between them.

Understanding Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Environments

A hybrid cloud is a cloud computing environment that combines public and private (typically on-premise) clouds, allowing organizations to utilize the benefits of both. In a hybrid cloud, an organization can store and process critical data and applications in its private cloud, while using the public cloud for non-sensitive data, such as testing and development.

7 Common Mistakes in a Multi-Cloud Journey

Your executive leadership launched a ‘Cloud First’ strategy with much fanfare a few months ago. At first, it was simple and seemed inexpensive to move workloads to your primary cloud service provider. But now, you feel the cloud provider is taking you for granted — you’ve lost all price negotiation power, and SLAs and response levels are not what they used to be. To make matters worse, your new cloud service bill seems to be out of control.

You are confronted with what is known as the “Cloud Paradox” — the very benefits that made the move to the cloud as a compelling strategy are now causing costs to spiral, stifling innovation, and making it near impossible to repatriate workload from the cloud.

Kafka Multi-Cluster Deployment on Kubernetes: Simplified!

Commonly known simply as Kafka, Apache Kafka is an open-source event streaming platform maintained by the Apache Software Foundation. Initially conceived at LinkedIn, Apache Kafka was collaboratively created by Jay Kreps, Neha Narkhede, and Jun Rao and subsequently released as an open-source project in 2011.

Today, Kafka is one of the most popular event streaming platforms designed to handle real-time data feeds. It is widely used to build scalable, fault-tolerant, and high-performance streaming data pipelines.