Popular Enterprise Architecture Frameworks

Enterprise architecture (EA) is an organization's business function to help how the business and technology work together. In other words, it is a blueprint for structure and operations. The Organization determines the objectives to achieve an effective manner. Enterprise Architecture framework is a structural approach to deal with Organization enterprise business in the digital era. Enterprise architecture defines the borders of different departments in an organization. 

Below are some of the benefits of using Enterprise Architecture in an Organization

Application Assessment Questions for Migration Projects

Most existing applications/projects are moving to Cloud platforms/On-premise using microservices architectures. Assessment of the existing application is critical concerning application complexity and risk. An appropriate strategy has to define to analyze the current application to determine the risk and complexity of the existing application landscape. The assessment considers factors like Overall Architecture, Presentation Layer, Business Layer, Data Layer, Security, Deployment, Technology, Infrastructure, Performance, and Monitoring for existing applications. Collect the information from the different parameters and decide which is the best option for Migration strategies like Rehost, Refactor, Rearchitect, and Rebuild. For each parameter, the architect fills in the information by studying the existing application/collecting the information from the application stack holders. Application assessment helps the Organization to understand the following:

  • Understanding of the existing application architecture and critical findings.
  • Integration points across applications (upstream and downstream).
  • Infrastructure, Software usage
  • Pain areas related to Business users.
  • Road map to target system platform using any one of the migration strategies.

There are a number of assessment criteria that information will need to be gathered for to provide an assessment of the applications as below:

Enterprise Integration Platform as a Services (EiPaas) Role in Enterprise Systems

Nowadays, growing applications on-cloud, complex databases enterprises require data exchange between systems to be seamless without friction. Enterprise Integration connects critical systems and applications across on-premise and cloud platforms. There may be a need to integrate the systems from on-premise to cloud platforms to integrate the data. Some Enterprise Integration types are Application Integration, Data Integration, Process Integration, and Device Integration. Modern business applications are having problems while cloud integrations. Several vendors offer iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) and EiPaaS (Enterprise Integration Platform as a Service) solutions to address cloud integration solutions. 

iPaaS is a cloud platform that connects different systems and technologies developed in the cloud or on-premise. 

Database Replication: Open-Source Tools and Options

For the past few years, business systems have been generating large amounts of data and need tools to manage the data. One of the business requirements was to copy the primary data to secondary databases. Several popular tools are available in the market to replicate the data from master DB to secondary DB. This article will discuss various open-source tools for DB replication and stream-based replication for real-time.

Replication is the process of sharing/storing information in multiple places to ensure reliability, fault tolerance, and accessibility. The replication options are described as follows:

Authentication and Authorizing for Webservice/ Rest API Calls

The purpose of this article is to be an overview of how the concerns of Authentication & SSO come together to plug into Authorization (mainly in the scope of API authorization). Application Architectures utilize industry standard protocols and patterns necessary to work together in all applications such as B2C, B2B, and B2E. The primary audience of this document is application architects and application security architects. However, those in the Identity and Access Management space will also find the concepts presented here apply to them.

Web Application and Mobile Thick Client Authentication Strategy

User Authentication and Authorization across web applications (both mobile and non-mobile) for all application realms (B2C, B2B, and B2E) should focus on SSO (Single-Sign-On). Web applications authenticate users using an Identity Provider that supports the standard like SAML2 and OAuth2. In addition, all mobile (Phone or Tablet) thick applications should authenticate their users by utilizing an Identity Provider that supports the industry standard OAuth2 Protocol. 

Top Microservices Frameworks

Microservices architecture is a methodology wherein fragment monolithic single application into small applications and services which executes lightweight applications. Business capabilities and independently deployable models are the primary goals for Microservices development. Microservices architecture built using different programming languages and deployed them and connect.

Benefits of Microservices

  • Adoption of New technology and process.
  • Independent scaling of applications.
  • Cloud-ready.
  • Seamless integrations.
  • Effective Hardware utilization.
  • Service level Security.
  • API-based functions for reuse effectively.
  • Independently Develop and Deploy applications.

Selection Criteria for Framework Selection

The following are some of the critical aspects that can be considered while choosing the proper framework:

Feature Technologies for Digital Transformations

Organizations observe and consider more dynamics to understand the nature of the business's disruption and adopt the Digital Transformations. Organizations are faced with evaluating the dynamics that play significant roles in digital transformations. Digital Transformation is adopting digital technology to transform services or businesses by replacing traditional processes with digital technology. Below are the sectors majorly concern about the digital transformations:

  • Hospital management.
  • E-Commerce.
  • Banking (FinTech).
  • Health Care.
  • Supply Chain.
  • Government.

Tech companies, especially FinTech (Financial technology), play a critical role in the IT industry's digital transformation. The digitalization and reengineering of front-, middle- and back-office processes and IT institutions make them more efficient and effective. In 2019, Accenture reported that only 19 of 161 leading financial institutions were committed to digital transformation.

Open Source Tools to Increase Code Quality and Team Productivity

Project teams are often faced with challenges maximizing value from diverse toolsets usage in the projects. Defining processes to the projects with access to tools at the right time and the right place is critical to maximizing the productivity of the project.

 Projects are demanding faster time-to-delivery to meet time-to-market needs. The push is for lower development costs without compromising on code quality and delivery timelines. Open-source tools that are well established and proven to add value are an alternative to enhance code quality and accelerate the time-to-delivery.