Detect and Resolve Biases in Artificial Intelligence

This presentation is of the on-demand session by AWS Hero Virginie Mathivet at AWS re:Invent 2022 Las Vegas. Posted with permission.

Many applications get a bad buzz on the internet because of biases and discriminations in the models, but how can we avoid them? This talk presents the problem of biases, but also how to detect and fight them with cloud-agnostic solutions. We will examine solutions for biases at both the dataset level with statistical indicators, and at the model level thanks to eXplainable AI (XAI) algorithms.

Monitor and Predict Health Data Using AWS AI Services

This is a recording of the breakout session at re:Invent 2022 Las Vegas by AWS Hero Luca Bianchi. Posted with permission.

Health systems lack the capability to account for comprehensive population health monitoring. Yet collecting data like oxygenation, temperature, blood tests, and glucose can identify the signs of underlying conditions early. Many home devices are connected and capable of acquiring and monitoring a vast number of vital signs to track a person's health across many relevant metrics. This talk will show how to build a serverless personal health solution leveraging AWS AI services to provide insight extraction, monitoring, and forecasting. Participants will see how to collect a time-variant dataset, use Amazon Lookout for Equipment to spot anomalies, and predict metrics levels.

Automate and Manage AWS Outposts Capacity Across Multi-Account AWS Setup [Video]

This is a recording of the breakout session led by AWS Hero Margaret Valtierra at AWS re:Invent 2022, Las Vegas. Posted with permission.

Curious how, for mere dollars a month and minimal upkeep, you can centrally track and manage Outposts capacity across multiple AWS accounts? In this session, we’ll show a unique solution implemented at Morningstar by the Cloud Services team to do just that. We'll walk through how we arrived at the architecture of the solution that uses lambdas, DynamoDB, CloudWatch, S3, and a custom API to track capacity and block users from overspending their quota.

Unleash Developer Productivity With Infrastructure From Code [Video]

This is a recording of breakout sessions from AWS Heroes at re:Invent 2022. Posted with permission.

A new category of developer tools is emerging that challenges the primitive-centric approach to building modern cloud applications. The complexity of configuring services, implementing best practices, and securing workloads have led to major problems with developer productivity, cost, performance, and time-to-market. In the current "Cloud Native" landscape, most organizations are left with unfillable skill gaps and failed cloud initiatives.

Bringing Software Engineering Rigor to Data

This is a recording of a breakout session from AWS Heroes at re:Invent 2022, presented by AWS Hero Zainab Maleki. Posted with permission. 

In software engineering, we've learned that building robust and stable applications has a direct correlation with overall organization performance. The data community is striving to incorporate the core concepts of engineering rigor found in software communities but still has further to go. This talk covers ways to leverage software engineering practices for data engineering and demonstrates how measuring key performance metrics could help build more robust and reliable data pipelines. This is achieved through practices like Infrastructure as Code for deployments, automated testing, application observability, and end-to-end application lifecycle ownership.

Modernize and Gradually Migrate Your Data Model From SQL to NoSQL

This article was authored by AWS Sr. Specialist SA Alexander Schueren and published with permission.

We all like to build new systems, but there are too many business-critical systems that need to be improved. Thus, constantly evolving system architecture remains a major challenge for engineering teams. Decomposing the monolith is not a new topic. Strategies and techniques like domain-driven design and strangler patterns shaped the industry practice of modernization. NoSQL databases became popular for modernization projects. Better performance, flexible schemas, and cost-effectiveness are key reasons for adoption. They scale better and are more resilient than traditional SQL databases. Using a managed solution and reducing operational overhead is a big plus. But moving data is different: it’s messy and there are many unknowns. How do you design the schema, keep the data consistent, handle failures, or roll back? In this article, we will discuss two strategies that can help transition from SQL to NoSQL more smoothly: change data capture and dual-writes.

Competition of the Modern Workloads: Serverless vs Kubernetes on AWS [Video]

This is a recording of breakout sessions from AWS Heroes at re:Invent 2022. Posted with permission.

Both serverless and Kubernetes have benefits for your operational production environments, but how do you choose? In this video session, we will have a “battle” between the serverless and the Kubernetes approach examining use cases and insights from each speaker's experience. After an overview of each architecture and the AWS services that are a part of it like databases, queues, and more, we will compare:

Architect Data Analytics Engine for Your Business Using AWS and Serverless

This article was authored by AWS Sr. Developer Advocate, Wojciech Gawronski, and published with permission.

According to the estimates, by 2030, humans will generate an ocean of data up to 572 zettabytes, which is equal to 572 million petabytes. This poses the question: How can you prepare IT infrastructures for that without inflating infrastructure costs and spending hours on maintenance? Secondly, how can organizations start producing insights from gathered information without worrying about capacity planning, infrastructure, and operational complexities? One of the answers is by using Serverless Data Analytics in AWS Cloud.

17 Open Source Projects at AWS Written in Rust

This article was authored by AWS Senior Software Developer Engineer, Tim McNamara, and published with permission.

Lots of people have been investigating Rust recently. That raises an important question: “Is Rust actually useful for me?” While we can’t tell you whether it’s appropriate for your use case, we can share some examples of where it’s been useful for us.

Decode User Requirements to Design Well-Architected Applications

This article was authored by Veliswa Boya & Jason Nicholls and published with permission.

In his book “War and Peace and IT,” Enterprise Strategist at AWS Mark Schwartz says that it’s time for the business-IT wall to come down. Old business models and stereotypes have long pitted “suits” against “nerds." He further goes on to say that it’s time to foster a space of collaboration and a shared mission - a space that puts technologists and business people on the same team.War and Peace IT cover

Lifting and Shifting a Web Application to AWS Serverless

This article was authored by AWS Principal Developer Advocate, Marcia Villalba, and published with permission. 

This article provides a guide on how to migrate a MERN (Mongo, Express, React, and Node.js) web application to a serverless environment. It not only looks at the process of migrating a non-serverless web application to a serverless environment, but it also explores two issues that arise during the migration process.