Microservices Architecture: What Is Service Discovery?

What You Will Learn

  • What service discovery is.
  • Why service discovery is important in a microservices architecture.
  • How to implement service discovery.
  • What Eureka is.

What Is Service Discovery?

When we talk about a microservices architecture, we refer to a system with a large number of small services, working with each other:

Basic Mircoservices Architecture

An important feature of such architectures is auto-scaling. The number of instances of a microservice varies based on the system load. Initially, you could have 5 instances of Microservice5, which go up later to 20, 100, or 1000!

Microservices Architectures: Microservices vs. SOA

Microservices architectures are very popular today. In this article, we take a look at how microservices architectures are different from Service Oriented Architectures (SOA).

Introduction to Cloud and Microservices: Challenges and Advantages

This is the last article in a series of five articles on cloud and microservices. The previous four can be found here:

Microservices Architecture: Advantages of Microservices

Microservices architectures are very popular today. In this article, we discuss the three main advantages of having a microservices architecture.

  • New Technology and Process Adoption
  • Dynamic Scaling Up and Down
  • Faster Release Cycles

Introduction to the Cloud and Microservices: Challenges and Advantages

This is the third article in a series of five articles on cloud and microservices. Here are the first two:

Spring Boot vs. Spring MVC vs. Spring: How Do They Compare?

In this article, you will receive overviews of Spring, Spring MVC, and Spring Boot, learn what problems they solve, and where they're best applied. The most important thing that you will learn is that Spring, Spring MVC, and Spring Boot are not competing for the same space. They solve different problems and they solve them very well.

What Is the Core Problem That Spring Framework Solves?

Think long and hard. What’s the problem Spring Framework solves?

Microservics Architecture: Introduction to Spring Cloud

In this article, we focus on Spring Cloud. We talk about the various components under its umbrella.

You Will Learn

  • What Spring Cloud is.
  • The typical challenges in microservices architectures.
  • The challenges that Spring Cloud solves.
  • The important projects under the Spring Cloud umbrella.
  • How Spring Cloud helps you build your microservices architecture.

Introduction to Cloud and Microservices: Challenges and Advantages

This is the second article in a series of five articles on cloud and microservices. Part 1 can be found here:

Quick Introduction to Software Architecture

Good software architecture is essential to building great software. What is software architecture all about?

You Will Learn

  • What software architecture is.
  • What software architects do.
  • Some of the important decisions software architects make.
  • Why we need software architecture.

This is the first article in the following series of articles on software architecture:

What Are Spring Projects?

There are several important Spring Projects solving the needs of enterprises today. But first, it is essential to understand what are Spring Projects and how are they different from Spring Modules?

What You Will Learn

  • What are Spring Projects?
  • What are some examples of Spring Projects?
  • How are Spring Projects different from Spring Modules?

What Are Spring Projects?

Within the Spring Framework, there are a variety of different Spring modules — JDBC, AOP, Beans, and Context. All Spring Modules share the same release version as the Spring Framework. They are part of the same project.

Introduction to Spring Batch

Spring Batch is a lightweight, comprehensive batch framework that is designed for use in developing robust batch applications. In this article, you will learn:

  • What is Spring Batch?
  • How does Spring Batch make building batch programs easier?
  • What are important features of Spring Batch?
  • What are important concepts to understand in Spring Batch?
  • What are the best practices in using Spring Batch?

What Is Spring Batch?

Spring Batch is a lightweight, comprehensive batch framework designed for use in developing robust batch applications.

Introduction to Spring Data and Spring Data JPA

In this article, we take a look at Spring Data and Spring Data JPA.

You Will Learn

  • The challenges with existing data store integration solutions.
  • What Spring Data is.
  • The aims of Spring Data.
  • How Spring Data abstracts talking to different data stores.
  • What Spring Data JPA is.
  • How Spring Data JPA helps in making JPA easier.

Challenges With Existing Data Store Solutions

Let's start with looking at problems with some of the existing solutions for storing data to data stores.

Spring Framework Basics: What Is Inversion of Control?

Developers starting with the Spring Framework often get confused with the terminology, specifically dependencies, dependency injection, and Inversion of Control. In this article, we introduce you to the concept of Inversion of Control.

What You Will Learn

  • What is Inversion of Control?
  • What are some examples of Inversion of Control?
  • How does the Spring Framework implement Inversion of Control?
  • Why is Inversion of Control important and what are its advantages?

What Is Inversion of Control?


Have a look at the following implementation of ComplexAlgorithmImpl: