What Is, Why We Need, and How to Do Data Synchronization

Present-day organizations have complex business requirements. The data can be in several locations. System migrations happen frequently due to technology changes. Integration happens with several platforms that are nowadays referred to as hybrid platforms. This article briefly describes the deployment types, why they have been implemented in such a way, their limitations, and how to overcome them using data synchronization with the help of WSO2 Streaming Integrator.

What Is Data Synchronization?

In simple terms, data synchronization is about synchronizing all data instances used by devices or applications by maintaining consistency and accuracy. Any change that happens to a particular data instance is reflected in the other data instances in near real time. In addition, data synchronization results in cost-efficiency, high performance, data security, data consistency, and accuracy for an organization.

ETL and How it Changed Over Time

What Is ETL?

ETL is the abbreviation for Extract, Transformation, and Load. In simple terms, it is just copying data between two locations.[1]

  • Extract: The process of reading the data from different types of sources including databases.
  • Transform: Converting the extracted data to a particular format. Conversion also involves enriching the data using other data in the system.
  • Load: The process of writing the data to a target database, data warehouse, or another system.

ETL can be differentiated into 2 categories with regards to the infrastructure.