Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) with Elastic

With increased Cybersecurity challenges, firms are constantly battling to bring down the Mean Time to Detect/Discover (MTTD) of security threats. This is critical for multiple aspects such as customer satisfaction, legal compliance, and creditability of the organizations. The organization needs to identify, communicate and mitigate an issue before the user does.

As an extension to my earlier article on Cybersecurity Trends, let us explore how Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) can be achieved through Elastic.

Artificial Intelligence in Service Desks

“Flawless customer service facilitates opportunity more than anything else; the opportunity to exceed any and all expectations.” ~ Than Merrill, CEO & Founder, FortuneBuilders

Resolving customer issues at the earliest is as critical as delivering a new product or service to customers. While organizations strive to achieve better customer service by optimizing key metrics such as Mean Time To Resolution (MTTR), Defect Removal Efficiency (DRE), etc., Artificial Intelligence comes in handy in catering to our needs to be faster and accurate in providing resolution.

Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base