Breaking Down DevOps: An Easy-to-Understand Introduction

What is DevOps? As an absolute beginner, this is one of the most common questions one may have. There are ample resources on the web explaining DevOps in detail. However, if I were to explain—What is DevOps?—to someone who is a beginner, how would I go about it? In this article, that’s exactly what I am going to share.

I am going to explain DevOps from the perspectives listed below: 

Apply These 3 Secret Techniques to Become A Successful Software Developer

What's the difference between an ordinary software developer and a successful software developer? 

An ordinary software developer typically works only on the task assigned, and it's rare to expect top-quality deliverables from him. In contrast, a successful software developer wouldn't just complete the assigned task, he'd also ensure: 

10 Microservices Interview Questions You Must Know

Do you want to get a job as a microservices developer? Are you looking for some practical microservices interview questions? If so, this article is for you, wherein you will get to know about the most important microservices interview questions around the day-to-day job responsibilities of a microservices developer. You will also get an insight about how to answer them and an interviewer's perspective to the answers (something unique which you may have never seen before). Isn't that cool?

Ready? Let's get started.