Java and MongoDB Integration: A CRUD Tutorial [Video Tutorial]

Eliminate any MongoDB collection with ease using Java. Our concise and effective steps will help you through the process, making sure that you get the job done in no time. No more struggling with tedious and time-consuming tasks. Trust our solution to deliver the assertive approach you need to remove your collection quickly and efficiently. In this video tutorial series, you will gain a deep understanding of  Java Integration with MongoDB.

Java integration with MongoDB allows developers to leverage the power of MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, in their Java applications. MongoDB is designed to handle large amounts of unstructured data and provides scalability and flexibility.

Understanding Kafka and Event-Driven Architecture [Video Tutorials]

In this video tutorial series, you will gain a deep understanding of Kafka and its role in Event Driven Architecture. The tutorials cover key concepts such as consumer groups, topic partitions, replication, and cluster workings in a step-by-step manner, making it easy to follow along. By the end of the tutorials, you will have a firm grasp of Kafka and how it fits into modern data processing. 

What Is Event Driven Architecture (EDA)?

This video tutorial clearly and concisely explains Event Driven Architecture (EDA), covering its key principles and benefits. It explores how EDA differs from traditional request-response architectures and how it can be used to build scalable and resilient systems.  

Spring Boot and Apache Kafka [Video Tutorials]

This article has a series of video tutorials about Spring Boot, explore:

  • Use Swagger to make your REST API's documentation interactive and accessible.
  • Custom objects can be sent and received in Kafka topics.
  • How you can consume messages from the Kafka server installed in Amazon EC2 Instance 
  • An example of using Spring Boot with Kafka producers and consumers, along with a REST client, to connect to a Kafka server running on an Amazon EC2 Instance
  • The producer and consumer exchange messages with the Kafka server on the Amazon EC2 Instance
  • Produce code to send Kafka messages to the Amazon EC2 instance server. 
  • Spring Kafka consumer and producer example with Spring Boot
  • Send/consume custom objects to/from an Apache Kafka server running on an Amazon EC2 Instance

Let's get started!

How To Install CMAK, Apache Kafka, Java 18, and Java 19 [Video Tutorials]

This article explains how to install the following in video tutorials:

  • CMAK (Cluster manager for Apache Kafka) or Kafka manager
  • Apache Kafka on Windows or Windows 10/11
  •  Java 18 on Windows 10/11, JDK installation
  •  Java 19 on Windows 10/11, JDK installation
  • Java JDK 19 on Amazon EC2 Instance or Linux operating system
  • Apache Kafka on Amazon EC2 Instance or Linux operating system

How to Install and Use CMAK (Cluster Manager for Apache Kafka) or Kafka Manager

Learn how to install and use CMAK. This is a tool for managing Apache Kafka clusters that allow us to view all the topics, partitions, numbers of offsets, and which are assigned to what and all topics, etc.

Apache Kafka [Video Tutorials]

Below, you will see a series of video tutorials about Apache Kafka. After watching these videos, you will have more knowledge about Apache Kafka’s features, workflow, architecture, fundamentals, and so much more! So, let’s get started. 

Video Tutorials

Apache Kafka Introduction

The following three introduction videos about Apache Kafka will go into detail about Apache Kafka’s: