Managing Amazon WorkDocs With AWS Managed Microsoft Active Directory (AD)

Set up AWS WorkDocs for secure document management

Amazon WorkDocs provides fully managed, secure enterprise-level storage and sharing features for those looking to improve user productivity. As well as delivering robust administrative controls and feedback capabilities, WorkDocs files are stored in the cloud, safely and securely. You can also leverage Workdocs to several different use case requirements and tailor it to fit your business-critical workloads. These use cases include

AWS Transfer For SFTP Explained: A VPC Use Case

Connect AWS Transfer for SFTP

Organizations often find themselves needing to make secure file transfers to outside entities such as clients and vendors. Not only do these transfers need to maintain the security and integrity of internal infrastructure, but the process needs to be practical and cost-effective, too. Secure-Shell File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) servers used to be the go-to answer for this enterprise requirement, but running these is costly and not necessarily efficient best practice. AWS launched it’s fully managed AWS Transfer for SFTP in direct answer to this dilemma.

Reduce Costly SFTP Overheads

Rather than have to go through the costly process of investing time and money to run an infrastructure setup of SFTP servers, AWS Transfer for SFTP removes all such maintenance overheads. AWS SFTP provides access to specific S3 buckets and prefixes per user. Organizations can fully leverage SFTP to upload, download, and delete files to and from these buckets to external entities with ease.