A Look Into Netflix System Architecture

Ever wondered how Netflix keeps you glued to your screen with uninterrupted streaming bliss? Netflix Architecture is responsible for the smooth streaming experience that attracts viewers worldwide behind the scenes. Netflix's system architecture emphasizes how important it is to determine how content is shaped in the future. Join us on a journey behind the scenes of Netflix’s streaming universe!

Netflix is a term that means entertainment, binge-watching, and cutting-edge streaming services. Netflix’s rapid ascent to popularity may be attributed to its vast content collection, worldwide presence, and resilient and inventive architecture.

Dockerize a Flask Python App: Step-by-Step

What if you were asked to deploy your Python Flask application or Dockerize a Flask app 100 times a day on a virtual machine? This would be a tedious and frustrating task, as most people would agree. This article shows you how to Dockerize a Flask Python application to overcome the above scenario.

Setting up a machine manually to deploy your Python Flask application multiple times can easily lead to human error and increase the chances of missing certain dependencies. It takes plenty of time to figure out the errors, fix them, and then deploy the applications.

Apache and Nginx Multi-Tenancy to Support SaaS Applications

In cloud computing, multi-tenancy — in this case, Apache Multi-Tenant and Nginx Multi-Tenant — is a mode of operation of software where multiple independent instances of one or various applications operate in a shared environment.

The software instances are logically isolated but physically integrated. Even if the software instances use the same underlying resources, cloud customers are unaware of each other, and their data is kept separate and secure. 

AWS Lambda Pricing for a Serverless Application

As you might already know, AWS Lambda is a popular and widely used serverless computing platform that allows developers to build and run their applications without having to manage the underlying infrastructure. But have you ever wondered how AWS Lambda Pricing works and how much it would cost to run your serverless application? 

When it comes to cloud computing, cost is often a major concern. AWS Lambda, Amazon’s serverless computing platform, is no exception. Understanding AWS Lambda Pricing has become increasingly important as the demand for serverless computing continues to rise. 

CI/CD Docker: How To Create a CI/CD Pipeline With Jenkins, Containers, and Amazon ECS

If you’re still building and delivering your software applications the traditional way, then you are missing out on a major innovation in the Software Development Process or Software Development Life Cycle. To show you what I’m talking about, in this article, I will share how to create a CI/ CD Pipeline with Jenkins, Containers, and Amazon ECS that deploys your application and overcomes the limitations of the traditional software delivery model. This innovation greatly affects deadlines, time to market, quality of the product, etc. I will take you through the whole step-by-step process of setting up a CI/CD Docker pipeline for a sample Node.js application.

What Is a CI/CD Pipeline?

A CI/CD Pipeline or Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery Pipeline is a set of instructions to automate the process of Software tests, builds, and deployments. Here are a few benefits of implementing CI/CD in your organization.

Serverless vs Containers: Which Is Right for Your Business?

Are you attempting to determine the ideal method for deploying your apps in the cloud? The two most common solutions are Serverless vs Containers. But deciding which one to use might be difficult. Which one is superior? Which is more economical? Which one is simpler to manage?

In this blog, we will talk about Serverless vs Containers and explain when to utilize each one. In addition to this, we will also talk about another popular option to consider – Microservices Architecture and how it fits into the picture. At the end of this post, you’ll know precisely how Containers vs Serverless stack up against one another and which one is better for your purposes. So, let’s dive into the world of Serverless vs Containers and find out which one reigns supreme!

Terraform Best Practices: The 20 Practices You Should Adopt

As you may already know, Terraform by HashiCorp is an Infrastructure as Code solution that allows you to specify both cloud and on-premise resources in human-readable configuration files that can be reused and shared. That said, did you know that there are certain Terraform Best Practices that you must be aware of and follow when writing your Terraform Configuration Files for defining your Infrastructure as Code and for your Terraform workspace? 

In this article, we will introduce you to 20 practices that we recommend you adopt while writing your Terraform Configuration Files.

What Are the EKS Best Practices for Your SAAS Product?

When it comes to Container Orchestration, there’s a good chance you may already be aware of Kubernetes, an open-source solution for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications that aggregate the containers comprising an application into logical units allowing for simple management and discovery. You may also know of the AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (AWS EKS), a managed Kubernetes service that enables you to run Kubernetes on AWS easily. Knowing about these things is not enough to leverage the best out of Kubernetes using AWS EKS; you must know about AWS EKS Best Practices. 

In this blog, we will be looking at 10 AWS EKS Best Practices that will help you configure, deploy, use, and manage the Kubernetes Cluster on AWS for high security, reliability, availability, and more. We will also explain how and why you should save your EKS cluster as code.

OpenShift vs. Kubernetes: The Unfair Battle

The most popular container orchestration software alternatives available today are OpenShift and Kubernetes. 

In this article, we are going to be comparing OpenShift and Kubernetes, and let me tell you, the comparison is far from fair. Indeed, comparing OpenShift and Kubernetes is difficult, as they are two very different solutions altogether. Comparing them is a little like comparing a Personal Computer (OpenShift) and a CPU (Kubernetes).

Deploy a Nodejs App to AWS in an EC2 Server

There are multiple ways you can deploy your Nodejs app, be it On-Cloud or On-Premises. However, it is not just about deploying your application, but deploying it correctly. Security is also an important aspect that must not be ignored, and if you do so, the application won’t stand long, meaning there is a high chance of it getting compromised. Hence, here we are to help you with the steps to deploy a Nodejs app to AWS. We will show you exactly how to deploy a Nodejs app to the server using Docker containers, RDS Amazon Aurora, Nginx with HTTPS, and access it using the Domain Name.

Tool Stack To Deploy a Nodejs App to AWS

  • Nodejs sample app: A sample Nodejs app with three APIs viz, status, insert, and list. These APIs will be used to check the status of the app, insert data in the database and fetch and display the data from the database.
  • AWS EC2 instance: An Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance will be used to deploy the containerized Nodejs App. We will install Docker in this instance on top of which the containers will be created. We will also install a MySQL Client on the instance. A MySQL client is required to connect to the Aurora instance to create a required table.
  • AWS RDS Amazon Aurora: Our data will be stored in AWS RDS Amazon Aurora. We will store simple fields like username, email-id, and age will be stored in the AWS RDS Amazon Aurora instance.
    Amazon Aurora is a MySQL and PostgreSQL-compatible relational database available on AWS.
  • Docker: Docker is a containerization platform to build Docker Images and deploy them using containers. We will deploy a Nodejs app to the server, Nginx, and Certbot as Docker containers.
  • Docker-Compose: To spin up the Nodejs, Nginx, and Certbot containers, we will use Docker-Compose. Docker-Compose helps reduce container deployment and management time.
  • Nginx: This will be used to enable HTTPS for the sample Nodejs app and redirect all user requests to the Nodejs app. It will act as a reverse proxy to redirect user requests to the application and help secure the connection by providing the configuration to enable SSL/HTTPS.
  • Certbot: This will enable us to automatically use “Let’s Encrypt” for Domain Validation and issuing SSL certificates.
  • Domain: At the end of the doc, you will be able to access the sample Nodejs Application using your domain name over HTTPS, i.e., your sample Nodejs will be secured over the internet.
  • PostMan: We will use PostMan to test our APIs, i.e., to check status, insert data, and list data from the database.

As I said, we will “deploy a Nodejs app to the server using Docker containers, RDS Amazon Aurora, Nginx with HTTPS, and access it using the Domain Name.” Let’s first understand the architecture before we get our hands dirty.

Deploy a Kubernetes Application With Terraform and AWS EKS

When it comes to infrastructure provisioning, including the AWS EKS cluster, Terraform is the first tool that comes to mind. Learning Terraform is much easier than setting up the infrastructure manually. That said, would you rather use the traditional approach to set up the infrastructure, or would you prefer to use Terraform? More specifically, would you rather create an EKS cluster using Terraform and have Terraform Kubernetes deployment in place, or use the manual method, leaving room for human errors? 

As you may already know, Terraform is an open-source Infrastructure as Code (IaC) software platform that allows you to manage hundreds of cloud services using a uniform CLI approach and uses declarative configuration files to codify cloud APIs. In this article, we won’t go into all the details of Terraform. Instead, we will be focusing on Terraform Kubernetes deployment.