Streaming Forex With Python SocketIO

This tutorial takes you through a Python SocketIO implementation. Understanding the difference between SocketIO and WebSocket is essential. However, that is not the scope of this article. Please go through this tutorial to explore more about it. To realize the reason behind the increasing popularity of SocketIO, I would like to request you work along with this tutorial. 

We will use the client code and SocketIO server responding with TraderMade’s Forex data. I am clarifying these aspects in the beginning as it is easy to work on one side of the example before diving deeper into the topic. At the same time, you will experience a practically used, real-life example.

Data Visualization Using Python

This tutorial is for beginners, and it guides you through the practical process of visualizing forex data, considering the least or no knowledge of Python. Let us have an overview of the libraries and setup we will use before we begin.

You can quickly manipulate the data, including converting and storing it in various forms using pandas, an open-source Python library. For convenience, we will use the Jupyter Notebook, an open-source web app for creating documents and programming different languages. This tutorial shows you how to obtain, change, and store forex data from JSON API and explores pandas, Jupyter Notebook, and DataFrame during this process.

MachineX: Cosine Similarity for Item-Based Collaborative Filtering

"A recommender system or a recommendation system (sometimes replacing "system" with a synonym such as a platform or an engine) is a subclass of information filtering system that seeks to predict the "rating" or "preference" a user would give to an item." — Wikipedia

In simple terms, a recommender system is where the system is capable of producing a list of recommendation with respect to an item. One of the ways to create a recommender system is through Collaborative Filtering, where the information is filtered by looking at the activity of other users. Most companies these days use recommender systems to provide better recommendations to the users.