GIS: A Game Changer For Telecom Providers

GIS can be used to great success in the telecommunications industry, including designing and applying efficient infrastructure to power 5G. Throughout the stages of development, GIS makes each step easier.

Every part of a telecom’s business involves location. All the vital information and key data points, including customer information, network ownership, weather forecasts, and competitor information, are often managed in separate systems. Using maps and location is often the most intuitive way to gain real operational awareness about where things are happening and how certain user and network behaviors relate to each other.

Cloud Analytics Migration: Go With The Need

The Cloud offers access to new analytics capabilities, tools, and ecosystems that can be harnessed quickly to test, pilot, and roll out new offerings. However, despite compelling imperatives, businesses are concerned as they move their analytics to the Cloud. Organizations are looking at service providers who can help them allocate resources and integrate business processes to boost performance, contain cost, and implement compliance across on-premise private and public cloud environments.

The most cited benefit of running analytics in the Cloud is increased agility. With computing resources and new tools available on-demand, analytics applications and infrastructure can be developed, deployed, and scaled up — or down — much more rapidly than can typically be done on-premises.  

Enterprise Data Management: Stick to the Basics

Lots of people have increasing volumes of data and are trying to run data management programs to better sort it. Interestingly, people's problems are pretty much the same throughout different sectors of any industry, and data management helps them configure solutions.

The fundamentals of enterprise data management (EDM), which one uses to tackle these kinds of initiatives, are the same whether one is in the health sector, a telco travel company, or a government agency, and more! Therefore, the fundamental practices that one needs to follow to manage data are similar from one industry to another.

AI Will Be the Game Changer for IoT

Gartner expects that three trends will affect AI in the next few years. One, better communication (both ways) with people: Natural-language processing, generation, and contextual interpretation will make AI more comfortable to use and will improve the use of all computing resources.

Secondly, more in-depth and broader integration with existing applications and IoT projects: AI has its most significant value when built into architectures that drive business and service value.

4 Ways Big Data Is Evolving Risk Management

In the digital era, Big Data has drastically changed the landscape of business and risk management. With unlimited access to information about potential customers and user behavior, companies are using analytics to improve their risk management practices in more advanced ways than ever before.

Big Data Analytics

Techwave's Big data analytics consulting services help you maximize revenue options and win loyal and happy customers.

Why Big Data Is Important

Big data has been around a long time, but it has taken a while for organizations to see the usefulness of big data. Big data doesn't just track the consumer when they are online - it provides a history of behaviors that big data services can analyze and extrapolate from. If the consumer uses smart devices, makes a purchase with credit cards or checks, or visits establishments that use smart devices, they leave a data trail that can be analyzed by big data consulting to determine possible trends. These trends help businesses understand what drives their customers to make certain purchases over others.

Role of Big Data in Healthcare

Big Data is creating a revolution in healthcare, providing better outcomes while eliminating fraud and abuse, which contributes to a large percentage of healthcare costs.


The Unforeseen Challenges of SAP S/4HANA Implementation

SAP customers are moving to implement SAP S/4HANA, SAP’s latest technological advancement, to take advantage of improved user experience, streamlined transactions, real-time data, table simplification, flexible APIs, and new functionality. As a suite of cloud-based applications, it’s the next step in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), which make migration an attractive option.

SAP S/4 HANA has continued to evolve over the last few years since it first launched, which has inspired some business to take a wait-and-see approach. The hesitancy of businesses to jump in with the latest technology is also linked to the reported challenges that business face when implementing SAP S/4HANA. Despite the challenges, more businesses are moving forward with implementation, due in large part to SAP’s end-of-support deadline in 2025 on legacy software like ECC.

Ideal Opportunity for Cloud Management with Automated Fixes

For two decades now, tech has reshaped the business environment globally. Today, cloud computing services, which use remote servers hosted on the internet, have significantly changed the way businesses store, manage, and process data. 

However, cloud computing is not without its challenges. In order to achieve the desired efficiency, these services have to be evaluated, monitored, and optimized in a process known as cloud management. Still, systems that inform you of problems but do not fix them are only halfway managed. As such, you should consider cloud management with automated fixes.

Finding the Humanity of Big Data

It’s no secret that Big Data offerings have become one of the largest marketing bastions the world has ever seen.

In a fast-paced and ever-changing era, industries race against one another more than ever before to raise benchmarks, contexts, ROI, and ultimately profit margins in an interconnected world that never sleeps. Big data consulting services have been around for several years now, helping organizations reach their business goals by carefully absorbing and organizing trillions of bytes worth of data. As the process progresses and internet access continues to expand around the globe, the amount of data to process will only continue to swell.

How Manufacturing and Lighting Solution Companies Are Benefitting From IoT

Lights today have become more than simple means of lighting up the dark. During their evolution from a simple filament bulb to today’s connected LEDs, lights have become more efficient and intelligent. 

Digitalization Makes New Services Possible

Products and services in the field of lighting and building-services technology are taking the form of subscription models. The ongoing process of digitalization is driving the trend. Known as ‘X as a Service’ (XaaS), ‘Light as a Service’ (LaaS), ‘Security as a Service,’ and ‘Safety as a Service,’ this trend offers benefits for both providers and customers. Digitalization is not only driving this development but also giving rise to new business models offered by IoT service providers.

6 Ways Big Data Analytics Change the Insurance Industry

Technology has a big impact on the way the insurance sector does business. Although big data analytics as a service is still fairly new, insurers rely on it heavily. As companies increase the number of policyholders in their databases, the need for meaningful analysis becomes more crucial. Big data analytics applications make this task feasible.

Big data services help resolve data issues that insurers face on a daily basis. A big data analytics platform can be challenging for those still getting used to the technology. However, there are many advantages to coming to terms with what big data offerings can do for your business. Learn more about how the insurance industry benefits from data analytics from the time a customer signs an application through their first claim filing.

SAP S/4 HANA Implementation in Business

SAP S/4 HANA leverages the in-memory platform of the HANA system, including its columnar data storage mechanism. The result is real-time computation capabilities and real-time analytics. For this reason, many companies are making the transition; however, the requirements cut-off is coming up quickly. It is important for businesses to be ready.

For those who haven’t heard, SAP S/4HANA is the successor to previous iterations of this important ERP, such as SAP R/3. This software package has been optimized for the in-memory database of the HANA system. Transitioning to this new system is going to lead to some major changes and it is important for large enterprises to be ready.

How Cloud Services Modernize ERP

Combining cloud and ERP

Today’s business environments are comparable to the old spinning plate trick on the Ed Sullivan Show from the 1960s. We all remember the famous scene: Erich Brenn running back and forth frantically keeping the plates spinning on each pole as the “Saber Dance” music plays in the background to enhance the drama. These plates in today’s parlance are the vast amounts of data that a business creates every day and keeping the entire engine running smoothly in terms of data analysis and security. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) tools and methods were devised in recent years to tackle the running of day-to-day operations in the office in terms of data, hardware, and software used by team members.

Solving Common IoT Challenges

Learn more about solving common IoT challenges in this post.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a hot subject amongst technology companies today. According to Forbes, we expect to see over 20 million connected devices by 2020. As a result, we will begin to see a lot more IoT services and solutions to current IT problems.

But IoT solutions come with challenges. Among those challenges, IoT solution providers fall in the realm of connectivity, power, security, and integration. We'll look at each of these challenges and potential solutions to them in this post.

How Analytics and Data Science Improve Your Business Efficiency

Corporations, particularly those that are focused on making sales to a broad audience — as opposed to those selling a small number of large ticket items — have always had a keen interest in crunching numbers related to the ways customers interact with their brands to boost sales. This is what we might refer to as data analytics. But, many organizations opt to take their efforts a step further by using data science.

What Is Data Science and Analysis?

Techopedia defines data science as: