What Is JavaScript Slice? Practical Examples and Guide

If you're new to coding, the term 'slice method' may be daunting. Put simply, the slice method is a powerful JavaScript tool that lets you extract sections of an array or string.

It's one of those methods that, once you understand and can use, can make your developer life much easier!

Advanced JavaScript Technique: Reloading a Page With Location.reload(true)

Have you ever felt like you needed to start over, so you pressed the refresh button? Well, that’s exactly what you can do with a simple JavaScript technique. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced JavaScript developer, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest advanced techniques.

In this article, we’ll delve into the world of advanced JavaScript and show you how to use Location.reload(true) to reload a page with one quick command. We know that reloading a page can be a stressful process—especially if your page is filled with code.

32 Best JavaScript Snippets

Hi there, my name is Rahul, and I am 18 years old, learning development and designing sometimes. 

Today, I'd like to share some useful JavaScript code snippets I have saved that I think can help make your life as a developer easier.

How To Parse URLs in JavaScript

Have you ever wanted to understand how URLs work in JavaScript? If so, then you’ve come to the right place!

In this article, we’ll be diving deep into the topic of URL parsing in JavaScript and understanding how to access certain data from a URL string. We’ll do so by breaking down the components of a URL into their individual parts—such as hostname, pathname, query, and hash—and taking each one for a spin.

A Guide to CSS Color Functions

Hey, there fellow developers! Today, we’re going to dive into the world of CSS color functions.

You might have used CSS to change the color of an element on a web page, but have you ever heard of CSS color functions? If not, tighten your seat belts because you’re about to learn something new and super useful!

Data Binding in React: The Easy Way

In this article, we will explore what data binding is and why it is important in React.

Data binding is a process of connecting data between a component and its UI representation. It means that any changes made to the data will automatically reflect in the UI, and vice versa. This is crucial in modern web development because it helps to keep the data and UI in sync, making it easier to create dynamic and responsive applications.

Unleashing the Power of JavaScript Modules: A Beginner’s Guide

JavaScript is a powerful programming language that is widely used for web development. One of the key features of JavaScript is its support for modules, which allows developers to organize their code and reuse it across different parts of their applications.

In this article, we will understand modules in a detailed and simple way.

Unlocking the Power of Polymorphism in JavaScript: A Deep Dive

Polymorphism is a concept in object-oriented programming that allows objects of different types to be treated as objects of a common type. This allows for more flexible and reusable code and a more intuitive way of thinking about objects and their interactions.


In JavaScript, polymorphism is implemented through the use of prototypes and prototypal inheritance. Every object in JavaScript has a prototype, which is another object that it inherits properties and methods from. This allows for the creation of a chain of prototypes, where an object can inherit from another object, which in turn inherits from another object, and so on.