Read-Only Collections in Solr

An actual image of a ''read-only'' collection.

Have you ever wonder how to avoid accidental, or on purpose, modification of collection data? Of course, we could reject access as one of the possible solutions, but it is not always possible. In today's blog post, we will look into how to easily protect your collection from accidental modifications by setting it to read-only.

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Default Behavior

When we create the collection, either via the API or using the script, it is created in the all-access mode — you can both read data from it and write data to it. Let's create a collection using the following command:

Open Distro for Elasticsearch Review, Part 1

Over the years the adoption of Elasticsearch and its ecosystem of tools positioned them as the leaders in the time series data management and analysis market. With strong search capabilities, a great analytical engine, Kibana as the flexible front-end, and a number of data shippers enable the building of end to end data processing pipeline using components designed to work with each other. A very simple setup and configuration resulted in high adoption rates and the whole stack gaining more and more users.

With Elasticsearch gaining in popularity, several hosted Elasticsearch services emerged on the market. Some of them, like Sematext Cloud, expose a subset of Elasticsearch APIs in addition to providing enterprise-grade features for users, like security, alerting, anomaly detection, reporting, and so on.