Application Scalability — How To Do Efficient Scaling

When you build a great product or application, sooner or later, it will be drawing attention more and more users who will expect a flawless, perfect application as the demand grows in the time it handles more and more requests per minute. If we are not prepared for this, the application performance will start degrading, and you will lose your audience and business. In this article, we explain why you should pay attention to when building a scalable application.

What Is Application Scalability?

Application scalability is the potential of an application to grow in time, being able to efficiently handle more and more requests per minute (RPM). It’s not just a simple tweak you can turn on/off; it’s a long-time process that touches almost every single item in your stack, including both hardware and software sides of the system.

Skills Required To Be A Perfect Performance Engineer

Performance testing and engineering is always a niche area with many challenging objectives across the globe. The challenge of performance testing with performance engineering is far more complex and requires one to be multi-skilled to find problems/issues/defects. In the last few years, I have come across several interviews, discussions with client-facing groups and customers, and what they have in common is a high demand for performance engineers, not just performance testers.

Having knowledge and experience on any performance testing tools like Microfocus LoadRunner, Apache JMeter, Neotys Neoload or IBM RPT is good, but they are not really sufficient to find the hard and hidden bottlenecks. The ability to find degradations and root cause analysis in performance testing projects is really a challenge for any performance guru. So, what makes a performance tester a performance engineer? We all know that anything is possible in the IT industry and that skills can be acquired if one has a positive attitude and the only prerequisite to learning is spending time. So, based on my experience and understanding of this area, I have tried to lay down the general guidelines which I believe will help make any performance tester become a Perfect Performance Engineer. This article can help many performance engineers understand how to start a career from performance testing to performance engineering and the essential skills that every performance engineer should have.