Best Practices: Maximizing AI Revenue Growth With Customer Success

In the world of artificial intelligence, maximizing revenue growth is of great importance for businesses seeking to capitalize on their AI products. Like all SaaS tools, the defining linchpin in widespread product adoption is the end user experience. There is an intricate relationship between customer success and how to make money from AI products, as the successful integration of AI products into a given market relies heavily on not only the technological capabilities of the solution but also on how effectively businesses cater to their customers.

The intersection of customer success with how to make money from AI offerings is a strategic balance where technology meets user satisfaction and drives business growth. As businesses introduce AI products to the market, an emphasis on customer success becomes a differentiator. Customer success practices — including personalized onboarding, continuous support, and proactive engagement — are not just ancillary components of CS success. They’re integral elements that ensure users derive optimal value from AI solutions, encouraging customer satisfaction and lowering churn.

Keeping AI Infrastructure Costs Down With API Governance

The growing importance of AI in business is undeniable, with more than 50% of businesses employing artificial intelligence for security and combating fraud. Additionally, beyond the practical applications for businesses externally, AI can be used internally to deliver better customer experiences through competitive tools and features. As the role of AI within an API business’ operations expands, so do the associated AI infrastructure costs. These expenses can quickly become a significant financial burden if left unchecked. Like all outward facing API-based tools, the key to success is API governance.

That’s where API governance steps in as a way of managing infrastructure costs and avoiding financial setbacks of monumental proportions. API governance allows an organization to regulate and optimize how AI resources and services are accessed and utilized, ensuring that businesses can offer an AI solution and features without breaking the bank. Governance serves as a strategic framework for controlling expenses in an effort to maintain the quality and reliability of offered AI implementation within services and solutions.

Five Key Considerations for Building DeFi APIs

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is a financial service based on ledgers, just like the ones used by cryptocurrencies. In the U.S., DeFi technology challenges the current centralized finance system by empowering individuals to manage their own financial exchanges via a crypto wallet. Because decentralized finance eliminates fees from banks or other financial institutions, anyone with an internet connection can use DeFi.

As a developer, building APIs that can push and pull DeFi data is a vital way to impart value to your customers. When building a DeFi API, there are a few key considerations that you should pay special attention to.

Monetizing APIs: Accelerate Growth and Relieve Strain on Your Engineers

APIs have become increasingly popular in the current SaaS ecosystem due to their ability to seamlessly integrate software systems. APIs provide standardized ways for applications to share data. API monetization is a powerful way for businesses to drive growth and generate revenue from existing API consumer data and usage. By offering your APIs as products or services, your company can tap into new markets, attract more developers, and create self-sustaining ecosystems around your product line. The “API as a product” approach unlocks monetization opportunities for expansion and diversification, leading to increased profits and market share.

By turning APIs into revenue streams, organizations can allocate more resources to their engineering departments, empowering them to focus on core product development and innovation. At the same time, by automating the monetization process, companies can alleviate the burden of monitoring and reporting on engineering teams. According to Gartner, 75% of application providers will revise their current product pricing models to support customers’ consumption of APIs by 2025. Monetizing APIs allows you to provide your valuable APIs to external developers, creating a collaborative ecosystem that not only fuels business growth but accelerates innovation.

4 Best dApp Frameworks for First-Time Ethereum Developers

Ethereum has experienced dazzling growth in recent years. According to YCharts, the programmable blockchain now has approximately 220 million unique addresses. Linked to the increase in users is an explosion in the number of dApps. Global companies and startups across finance, sales, HR, accounting, supply chain, and manufacturing are using dApps to streamline processes and onboard new customers. Multiple frameworks exist that simplify the dApp development process for Web2 developers, who want to participate in Web3. This post examines four of the most popular. But first, what is a dApp?

What Is dApp?

A dApp, or decentralized application, is serverless software that runs on a decentralized network and uses a programmable blockchain for security, transparency, and immutability. A dApp combines smart contracts with a frontend user interface (HTML5, React, Angular). DApps can be used in a variety of industries and services, from social media to supply-chain management, payment tracking, complaint resolution, and all manner of accounting and (decentralized) financial services.

Drive Valuable Insights About Your Web3 Application Using API Analytics

What's your API data telling you about your Web3 App? By lifting relevant information from your App's API transactions and call logs, you can identify and proactively catch issues before your customers surface them. As a result, keep your customers happy and reduce churn, making your customer success team performant.

Generate Insights From Transaction Data

Web3 adoption is increasing. Between 2015 and 2022, blockchain adoption increased at the same pace as internet adoption did between 1991 and 1998. If that continues on the same trajectory, then Web3 users will hit one billion by 2027.