Simplifying SPIFFE: Accessible Workload Identity

SPIRL is a full workload identity solution based on SPIFFE (Secure Production Identity Framework for Everyone). What does this mean? What is SPIFFE and isn’t it already for everyone? Or if not, how could “everyone” include more “everyone”?

The most important piece to understand before getting started is that SPIFFE is a specification. Relevantly, this means that SPIFFE is not itself a tool, but rather something that can be implemented in a standard way. There are open-source implementations of SPIFFE, including a project called SPIRE, which we will also talk about in this article.

Best Practices for Proactive Monitoring

If you could know information about your systems in advance, what would you choose to know? If there was a set of repeating behaviors that happened consistently before an outage, would you want to know what they were?

This is the idea behind proactive monitoring — the switching of context from “reactive” monitoring to something that allows you to act before the problem arises. Here are some guidelines to help you get started with your customized solution.

Healthcare IoT: Monitoring Diabetes With

A Quick Introduction to Diabetes and IoT

Before I hop right in, it’s important to understand a bit about diabetes. Diabetes is what happens when your body cannot produce (type 1) or respond (type 2) to insulin effectively. The impact on the body is frequently quite severe — people who have difficulty controlling their blood sugar levels run the risk of losing feeling in their fingers and/or toes or even going into a coma if their blood sugar is either too high or too low. 

More on the subject: