minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating


We already know about CodeIgniter and its enormous capabilities as a PHP framework, this very site being a testament of it. But what about an even smaller micro-framework for PHP? Something along the lines of Flask or Bottle? Something you can use to develop things like REST API, prototyping something at initial stage or a frontend SPA app with just basic PHP features?

Today, I want to introduce you to minimal-mvc, an extremely tiny micro framework with just two core scripts viz. routing.php for handling the routing and util.php for working with templates.

Over my years of app development experience, I've found that these two capabilities are the critical minimum required features even in most basic or simple web apps. Adding CRUD and databases is a late stage capability which core PHP is more than capable of handling. But with a solid routing structure and a template system where you can quickly prototype multiple partial content pages based on a parent or base template is often very useful when starting a new app project.

I hope you will explore the minimal-mvc framework and I'll be even more glad if you find it useful for your projects.

Happy Programming!

Unpopular Opinion: Bootstrap+jquery+CI is the best thing since sliced bread

Greetings Folks!

I had signed up on Daniweb many years ago but never bothered to seriously post until now. Only when the "social networks" of the world like Reddit and Quora and Twitter started disappointing me beyond the usual excruciating limits did I decide to explore some other programming forums on the Interwebs where open and good faith interaction still seems to exist.

After coming to know that Daniweb uses the very same web programming stack which also happens to be my favorite (Bootstrap + jquery + CodeIgniter), I am starting to have a sense that I might be in the right place! No offense to all the shiny new PHP and JS frameworks out there which get discussed ad-nauseum every single day, but CodeIgniter still has some advantages today which are hard to beat, especially if you're building a small to medium sized web project in PHP:

  1. Small Footprint (about 2-3 MBs of core framework code).
  2. Bells and Whistles included (Routing, MVC, Database interaction, form building, etc.)
  3. Integration with Composer/Packagist.
  4. Proven to be solid for over a decade across the industry.

I mean what else do you need in a web framework? This should fit the bill for almost every web project under the Sun unless you're a supersonic Google or Facebook or Microsoft that is!

Thank you everyone for being such a great community, looking forward to some happy interactions on this network.