AI Code Assistants

Anyone here that wants to share if they use AI Code Assistants professionally, which one and why? I'm looking for experiences with backend .NET development in Visual Studio to be specific.

Deleting a chat message

In the programming chat I tried to delete a message containing someone's phone number. The Javascript action appears to delete it, but after a refresh the message is still there.

How would I know if an e-mail originates from Office 365

How would I know if an e-mail originates from Office 365?

I know I can look at the oldest Received header of a message to see where it originates from, but how would I use that header value to know it was sent from an Office 365 account?

It looks like the TLD is a candidate, but I'd like to know for sure.

Books on certificates

I'm looking to build an ASP.NET WebAPI/REST API (not Core) that should accept client certificates as authentication. I've found several examples, so I hope to be able to succeed.

However, I'm looking to find out more on the inner workings so to speak of certificates and such, so I'm hoping someone can recommend a good read on the subject. I'm not looking for tutorials in a specific language on how to get stuff done.

Map XML to SQLite

I'm looking to build a command-line tool that will enable me to read an arbitrary XML file combined with a mapping to fill an existing (arbitrary) SQLite database with data. What I'm looking for are conceptual ideas on how to solve this. I've got a possible theoretical solution in mind, but am looking for other ideas to get this done. Hopefully someone will confirm my idea will work, or show me I'm thinking about it in the wrong way. I won't share what I think at this time, to prevent pushing my thought process onto yours.

Start new topic bug

I started my previous question with the title "Filter by" . I typed my question, clicked go to the next step. After that I clicked "Free" and only after that I got turned back to my question indicating that the title was too short. Shouldn't it say that before continuing to the next step?

Filter by annoyance

The "filter by" at the top of a forum is by default set to "recommended". I'd love to have it remember (at least for the duration of my session) that I want a different filter (or none), prefarably one filter setting for all forums. Everytime I switch to a different forum "recommended" is back on. I already found the thread where you answered "no" to this, but I want it anyway.

Bug in profile – Professional networking

I just updated my professional networking profile. The skills and interests textbox was prefilled with php, mysql, javascript, web-design and presumably from my post history. I've updated this to c#, .net and sql. This is visible in my profile page. When I go back to edit my professional networking profile, then the skills and interests textbox is again prefilled with php, mysql, javascript, web-design and