Unravelling the Best Practices For DevOps Testing Strategy

With time progressing, technology is transforming at a lightning speed to make the software development process much simpler, faster, qualitative, and convenient. Technologies like machine learning and AI are being utilized in several ways, not only to process qualitative and faster data but also to process predictive data. Having said that, the software development lifecycle has also evolved extensively since the last decade. Although agile is the go-to development process used by most of the development team, but since the introduction of DevOps, teams are either opting for Agile+DevOps or even implementing only the DevOps methodology. 

The basic difference between Agile and DevOps is that Agile refers to an iterative approach that focuses on collaboration, customer feedback, and rapid releases while DevOps brings the development and the operations team together to manage the end-to-end engineering process. DevOps, especially in the area of testing products, brought a paradigm shift! 

Top 8 Strategies for Successful Cross-Browser Testing

We live in an age where more than 5 lakh websites are created daily. As of today, there are nearly 4 million websites in the world out of which only 1.5 million are active. What about the rest? 

As per records, 90% of the web applications fail to work because of browser compatibility issues and 62% of mobile application uninstalls happen due to mobile crashes like poor responsiveness and alignment issues indirectly aiming at improper cross-browser testing.