REST Services With Apache Camel

Microservices are becoming a very popular architectural style for developing greenfield applications and also for brownfield solutions. People are moving away from the monolith solutions due to added advantages like faster development and go-to-market, increased adoption of containerization and small teams, and a lighter codebase. 

You can use either Spring Boot, Quarkus, or Lagom frameworks to develop the REST services. I would like to show how we can use Apache Camel, a leading opensource integration framework, to write REST services easier and quicker using the REST domain-specific language (DSL).

How to Implement Typeahead Search with Elasticsearch

Today, search is an important functionality in enterprise applications and end-users are obsessed with the experience of Google Search and expecting the application search also provides similar experiences.

This requires us to design and implement a search engine along with your golden source (RDBMS/NOSQL). There are many search engines available in the market today like Elasticsearch, Apache Solr, Azure Cognitive Search, etc. These provide a better search experience and features like typeahead, fuzzy search, boosting the search results based on relevancy, similarity search, etc.

Nginx: Reverse Proxy and Load Balancing

You might have seen many articles on the internet regarding Nginx and how we can use Nginx for load balancing and reverse proxy.  In this article, I would like to share my experience of setting up Nginx for load balancing and reverse proxy with SSL termination in Nginx.

Are Reverse Proxy and Load Balancer Similar?

Though both terminologies sound similar, a reverse proxy accepts requests from clients and forwards the request to servers for the actual processing.  The reverse proxy relays the results from servers to the client.