The Art of Securing Cloud-Native Mobile Applications

This is an article from DZone's 2023 Enterprise Security Trend Report.

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In the ever-evolving landscape of mobile applications, the seamless integration of cloud-native technologies has become a cornerstone for innovation, speed, and efficiency. As organizations harness the power of the cloud to enhance their mobile applications, the critical need to master the art of securing these cloud-native solutions has never been more paramount. We will explore the dynamic intersection of cloud-native architecture and mobile application security, delving into the strategies and best practices essential for safeguarding sensitive data, ensuring user privacy, and fortifying against emerging threats in this dynamic digital ecosystem.

Components of Container Management

This is an article from DZone's 2023 Containers Trend Report.

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Containers are a major catalyst for rapid cloud-native adoption across all kinds of enterprises because they help organizations quickly lift and shift legacy applications or break monoliths into microservices to move to the cloud. They also unlock system architecture to adopt a multi-cloud ecosystem by providing an abstraction between the application and underlying platform. Benefits of containers are widely evident around the cloud-native world and its modernization journey.

Kubernetes: Beyond Container Orchestration

This is an article from DZone's 2022 Kubernetes in the Enterprise Trend Report.

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Kubernetes today is the most prominent and prevailing container orchestration engine. Kubernetes became central to cloud-native computing because it is open source and has a rapidly growing ecosystem. If we observe its evolution and adoption trend in the last few years, especially around the cloud-native world, it is more than "just" a container orchestration tool. It has outgrown being a container orchestration engine and is now a frontline building block of a next-generation cloud-native ecosystem. 

GraalVM — Byte Code to Bit Code

Early adopters for Cloud-Native (microservices, serverless) are now moving to its next wave called v2.x., leveraging the maturity, learnings, and identified shortfalls to design next-level stuff.

Let's recap few purposes of going cloud-native that we will relate here: