React Apps Can Be Incredibly Fast: Here’s How to Optimize Load Time

Without any doubt, speed is the most important factor for a positive user experience — that is, how much time your app takes to load and display content.   

To give you an example, Walmart has reported a +2% conversion per one-second improvement of load time. As per Amazon, every 100ms load time results in a 1% loss in sales.   

8 Details That Make Angular the Favorite Web Development Framework

Angular is a popular web development tool that gained momentum over the past few years. It is one of the most acceptable JavaScript frameworks that Google created back in 2009 to assist web development. This tool aimed to make front-end development much simpler and more accessible for the development company. 

Many top companies like Netflix, PayPal, Upwork, and similar reputed brands are using this framework. Angular also ranked the third most frequently used technology in 2020, after NodeJS. 

How COVID-19 Has Changed the IT World

Since the global pandemic turned up on our doorsteps, the world has noticed drastic changes. In many different ways, things have changed dramatically. Societal norms and economic challenges have impacted people in many ways after the emergence of COVID-19.     

There is no way we can sweep away the differences the time has caused and move back to the life we had in the past. 

7 Top DevOps Trends for 2021

The effect that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on organizations and individuals was unanticipated. Almost a year in, companies have now begun to examine the situation and make some informed predictions about how long the pandemic's impact will last.

One enormous takeaway, for IT pioneers as well as everyone else, is the means by which innovation has assumed an urgent function in an individuals' ability to keep on working, learning, the delivery of services, and socializing.