Spring Batch – ItemValidations

In this tutorial, we'll learn how to implement the Custom Item Validations to validate the items you want to validate. The Spring Batch V4.1 release has bring below features.

1.4. Bean Validation API support

This release brings a new ValidatingItemProcessor implementation called BeanValidatingItemProcessor which allows you to validate items annotated with the Bean Validation API (JSR-303) annotations 

Spring Boot — Jasper Integration

Learn how to integrate Spring Boot with Jasper. JasperReports is an open source reporting engine. It provides the ability to deliver rich content to the printer, the screen, or to various formats such as PDF, HTML, XLS, RTF, ODT, CSV, TXT, and XML files.

It is a Java library and can be used in a variety of Java-enabled applications to generate dynamic content. Its main purpose is to help create page-oriented, ready-to-print documents in a simple and flexible manner. JasperReports can also be used to provide reporting capabilities in our applications.

Spring Batch — Writing to Multiple Destinations

In this example, I will show you how to write data to multiple destinations and how can we write data into JSON and XML. 

In this example, I am using MySQL, however, you can use any database of your choice. Please make sure to create the equivalent schema and data into that DB.

Spring Batch — Read From XML

In this example, I will show you how to read from XML, and for now, simply print the details on console. However, you can save this XML data into Relational or Non Relational or write it into CSV. I will write other articles to cover such topics.

I have used the latest version of Spring Boot, Spring Batch: