mysqldump Best Practices (Part 2): Migrations Guide

(Part 1 here)

In the second and final part of our mysqldump best practices we will talk about how to handle the migration and import for stored-program objects and views from your MySQL database. To read more about the prerequisites for a successful dump and restore operation for large MySQL databases, check out the first part of this 2-part blog series.

Best Practice for Creating Indexes on Your MySQL Tables

Creating Indexes on Your MySQL Tables

By having appropriate indexes on your MySQL tables, you can greatly enhance the performance of SELECT queries. But, did you know that adding indexes to your tables in itself is an expensive operation, and may take a long time to complete depending on the size of your tables?

During this time, you are also likely to experience a degraded performance of queries as your system resources are busy in index-creation work as well. In this blog post, we discuss an approach to optimize the MySQL index creation process in such a way that your regular workload is not impacted.

MySQL Tutorial: Understanding The Seconds Behind Master Value

In a MySQL hosting replication setup, the parameter Seconds_Behind_Master (SBM), as displayed by the SHOW SLAVE STATUS command, is commonly used as an indication of the current replication lag of the slave. In this post, we examine how to understand and interpret this value in various situations.

Possible Values of Seconds Behind Master

The value of SBM, as explained in the MySQL documentation, depends on the state of the MySQL slave in general, and the states of MySQL slave SQL_THREAD and IO_THREAD in particular. While IO_THREAD connects with the master and reads the updates, SQL_THREAD applies these updates on the slave. Let’s examine the possible values of SBM during different states of the MySQL Slave.