How DevOps Teams Can Switch to Remote Work

COVID-19 has left things in disarray for Agile development teams. The sudden transition into a remote working structure has baffled the blended approach to DevOps which combines work culture and automation tools. The lack of contact work will start by striking your work culture first and then affect infrastructure and tools. It becomes imperative for your operative modes to adapt to the new normal. We've covered both these areas of Agile practices, so you don't incur the cost of inflexibility.

Keeping Things Continuous

Everything in DevOps is continuous. Code integration, delivery through testing, reviews, and deployment to end-users. The primary concern for a DevOps team would be to keep things continuous during the transition to this new work environment.

Componentized Cloud Management: The Way Ahead For AWS Automation

When something gets complex, our primary approach is to break it down — even cloud management. If you’re a part of a growing company that uses the cloud, you can see your infrastructure becoming more complex as you scale and expand. That means its management does, too. 

Earlier, you could put a few scripts together and use them to perform basic management functions, or you could use an external tool for certain functions, but they’re limited in their offering. It’s only backups, or only scheduling, or only monitoring, all of which are a little too siloed. But now these methods simply don’t scale — and it’s not "basic" cloud management functions anymore; we’ve moved on, we’ve become more sophisticated.