Filter datatable with Like

I am traying to filter Datagrid view based on user type in TbxGlCode (TextBox)

Initialy Datatable is populated from SQL table to TempTable (DataTable)

getting error at runtime at below line

Dim Rows As DataRow() = TempTable.[Select]("Code like '%" & VerCode & "%'")

Exception Unhandled
System.Data.EvaluateException: 'Cannot perform 'Like' operation on System.Int32 and System.String

How to filter datatable with Like option

My Code

Dim TempTable As DataTable

    Private Sub FrmGLCodeList_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        ' Dim TempTable As DataTable
        'Create New Table Instance
        TempTable = New DataTable

        TempTable.Columns.Add("Code", GetType(Integer))
        TempTable.Columns.Add("Name", GetType(String))

        'Adding Rows to TempTable from SQL table

        Call RSData("Select GlCode as Code , GlName as Name from TblGlCodeMaster")

        Dim I As Integer = 0

        If DBCnCommonDataTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then
            For I = 0 To DBCnCommonDataTable.Rows.Count - 1
                TempTable.Rows.Add(Trim(DBCnCommonDataTable.Rows(I)("Code")), Trim(DBCnCommonDataTable.Rows(I)("Name")))
        End If

        DgvGlCodeView.DataSource = TempTable

        DgvGlCodeView.Columns(1).Width = 300
    End Sub
    'Filtered data table
    Private Sub FilteredDT()

        Dim VerCode As Integer = Trim(TbxGlCode.Text)
        Dim FilteredDT As DataTable = TempTable.Clone
        Dim Rows As DataRow() = TempTable.[Select]("Code like '%" & VerCode & "%'")
        For Each row As DataRow In Rows

        DgvGlCodeView.DataSource = FilteredDT

    End Sub

    Private Sub TbxGlCode_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TbxGlCode.TextChanged

        Call FilteredDT()
    End Sub

Datagridview Control class


I have datagridview which i want to add on several forms. Number of columons and all ather functionality remains the same.
to avoid creating size, columns, column names each time, i am trying to create class control for datagridview which will give me by default number of columns and size once i add the datagrid to form.

i have tried this . But it shows ten columns instead of five .

attached picture

Public Class ClsDgvJournal
    Inherits DataGridView
    Public Sub New()
        Width = 500
        Height = 200
        Dim Col1 = New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn With {.HeaderText = "AAA", .Name = "A", .Width = 100}
        Dim Col2 = New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn With {.HeaderText = "BBB", .Name = "B", .Width = 200}
        Dim Col3 = New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn With {.HeaderText = "CCC", .Name = "C", .Width = 100}
        Dim Col4 = New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn With {.HeaderText = "DDD", .Name = "D", .Width = 100}
        Dim Col5 = New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn With {.HeaderText = "EEE", .Name = "E", .Width = 100}
        Me.Columns.AddRange({Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4, Col5})

    End Sub

End Class