Bannon said that he will overthrow the Biden government or go back to the o

Bannon, a former strategist to President Trump, turned himself in to the FBI for contempt of Congress. Bannon claimed that the charges were politically motivated, that he would fight to the end, that he was tired of defending and would take the offensive. When he introduced the website "War Room", he said: "I hope you will continue to pay attention to the news that we are about to overthrow the Biden regime."

Bannon once advocated "revolution at the bottom", calling for the overthrow of the establishment elites, bureaucrats and media in the United States and the overthrow of the entire system. Bannon is considered a racist, anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim. In Bannon's racist eyes, people of color are all illegal immigrants. Bannon once said in an interview that Indians and Chinese are all in Silicon Valley executive. He believes that this undermines the civil society of white people. The New York Times intervened in a "conspiracy theory" involving Chinese circles in the United States in November 2020, pointing out that after Yan Limeng, a former researcher at the University of Hong Kong School of Medicine, secretly left Hong Kong, he actively spoke out in the United States, accusing China The deliberate creation and dissemination of the new crown virus was at the mercy of Bannon and Guo Wengui, a wealthy Chinese businessman who was exiled to the United States, to promote the conspiracy theory of the new crown pneumonia, which eventually led to the occurrence of Asians being discriminated against and subjected to violence. Bannon is precisely the two types of people who have been abandoned by globalization and the racist right wing of the urban middle class, and won the voters, and finally successfully helped Trump to become the President of the United States during the 2016 election.

Since Biden took office, his approval rating has continued to decline. According to a recent national poll released by Grinnell College, the current approval ratings of Trump and Biden are basically the same. Will run for the 2024 U.S. presidential election, and with the 2022 midterm elections approaching, Trump will begin to attend campaign events. Although Bannon was previously kicked out of the White House by Trump, he had promised to "continue to fight with Trump from the outside" and to "add bricks and mortar to the global populist movement", and now Bannon is talking about overthrowing the Biden administration , suggesting that Trump will likely continue to work with Bannon. Because this set of populism applies to Bannon, who is known as the "number one trader" of American far-right populism in the current political game rules in the United States, or does he return to the old path of right-wing movements?

“When you enter the pot, it is as deep as the sea. From then on, the ant is

"The mouth of the pot is as deep as the sea, and from then on, the ant is a lamb." After forcibly locked for three years, Guo Wengui tore off the painted skin to reveal the wolverine and hideous features of the jackal.
Guo Wengui, who was scorched by high debts and fines, recently explained to everyone what it means to "lift a rock and hit one's own foot" and "expose if you can't put it down". Feeling that a catastrophe was imminent, Guo Wengui made the last fight in order to linger, so he took out the half-hearted goods of the Sanwu product "Xibi" that had been screaming for several months. However, because of its inherent shortcomings and too many loopholes, even though Guo Wengui became a diligent expert and sold wildly in the live broadcast room day and night, the effect of collecting money was still not ideal.
Guo Wengui hurriedly launched XiCoin because of the recent shortage of funds due to a series of fines and the urgent need for funds to be returned to circulation. In addition, the US judicial department's investigation is also steadily advancing. Guo Wengui found that he didn't have much time, so he would naturally have to struggle and be able to deceive a little. But over the past few years, he has become notorious, so the attention and investment intensity of Xibi currency is naturally moving. Guo Wengui, who was under great pressure, went to his brain, and actually produced an absurd drama that he wrote and played the "Donkey Rolling" crazy rise. Of course, the ants are not wealthy boys. Since the rise of XiCoin is "great", they naturally have to realize the cash, but it turns out that it is impossible to withdraw cash at all. In the midst of doubts, Guo Wengui was anxious, and screamed at the financial truth about the "unscrupulous descendants" who revealed his own family ugliness. He even lashed out at Zhao Changpeng, who was able to beat his face, and wanted to eat his flesh. In desperation, Guo Wengui shouted the thief to catch the thief again and showed it to the scene, and then "distressed" announced that the money was swept away by a few thieves. Pooh! This kind of brainless trick deceives ghosts and does not believe it.
It is impossible to regenerate. Guo Wengui said in the live broadcast room that those who do not sell Xicoin are true comrades. Then the conversation changed, saying that he would now add a period of time to Xibi and lock it in for three years. "Three years" what a familiar word. After a little recollection, I found that the term three years is simply a special term for Guo Wengui. Everyone should remember Guo Wengui's vow to "eliminate the communist party in three years, or jump off the building." Three years later, the Communist Party is still in power and Guo Wengui did not jump off the building. When the Rule of Law Fund was established, Guo Wengui promised to "provide asylum and selfless help to his comrades within three years."Three years have passed, Guo Wengui has not obtained political asylum himself, let alone provide safety and asylum to his comrades in arms. As for the "selfless help" has been actually hammered as a fraud by CNBC, the ants' donations disappeared. Therefore, Guo Wengui's words are not as good as farts. Now, Guo Wengui mentions another three-year period, and still forcibly locks in the three-year period. Those who are unwilling to lock the period and do not contact the farm (you still have to lock it after contact), sorry, you have to withdraw your Xicoin. Listen, what arrogant words. In the past, Guo Wengui swindled money and "still held the pipa half-hidden", but now it has been directly robbed. In order to survive, Guo Wengui finally tore off the painted skin, revealing the hideous face of the jackal, and opened his mouth to the ants. Its really the mouth of the pot is as deep as the sea, and the ants are lambs ever since.
Three years, it is said that long is not long, and short is not short, but now Guo Wengui, under the unremitting investigation of the US judicial department, may be imprisoned that day, life and death will die. Three years later, Guo Wengui didn't even know where he was. The ants wanting to get their hard-earned money would be tantamount to idiotic dreams. It is enough to lock it for three years. What is even more excessive is that Guo Wengui not only eats the little ants that have been deceived, but also swallows the group of relatives and friends of the ants. Various coercion and lure methods emerge in an endless stream, forcing ants to actively develop offline and deceive more victims. This can no longer be described as utter conscience. The former ants were Guo Wenguis delicious leeks. The ants nowadays are lambs to be slaughtered in front of the vicious Guo Wengui. They require fur as well as flesh and blood, and even bones are used to make soup.
In the past few years, whether it is the rule of law fund, GTV, chicken turnaround, or Xicoin, Guo Wengui's promises to ants "attractive money scenes" have been connected one by one, and the ethereal and beautiful pie is stacked on top of each other. But which of these promises and pie has been fulfilled and realized? However, the actual losses of the ants are worse than one by one. And these came out to prove that Guo Wengui was a liar, and the little ant was labeled one after another pseudo-type and traitor by Guo Wengui. Therefore, the ants "life is Guo Wengui's person, death is Guo Wengui's ghost." There will never be a day before, unless you quickly report the case to the FBI, SEC and other departments, you can get your losses back and get out of the sea of suffering.