Editors’ Picks: Summer 2020



Big Data





  • Mulesoft 4: Continuous Delivery/Deployment With Maven by Ashok S — This article is a great example of what we want every tutorial to look like on DZone. The main aim of this article is to provide a standard mechanism to release project artifacts and deploy to Anypoint Platform, from the local machine or configure in continuous delivery pipelines.
  • Integration With Social Media Platforms Series (Part 1) by Sravan Lingam — This article helps you to build a RESTful API through MuleSoft that integrates with LinkedIn and shares a post on behalf of one's personal account. I like this article because, in the age of social media, it's so important for businesses to be connected and integrated!




Open Source


  • What Is Big O Notation? by Huyen Pham — Aside from a silly name, this article is an example of an in-depth analysis on a little-spoken-about concept. In this article, take a look at a short guide to get to know Big O Notation and its usages.
  • Is Python the Future of Programming? by Shormisthsa Chatterjee — Where is programming going? This article attempts to answer this question in a well-rounded way. The author writes, "Python will be the language of the future. Testers will have to upgrade their skills and learn these languages to tame the AI and ML tools".


Web Dev

  • A Better Way to Learn Python by Manas Dash: There's so many resources available for learning Python — so many that it's difficult to find a good and flexible place to start. Check out Manas' curated list of courses, articles, projects, etc. to get your Python journey started today. 
  • Discovering Rust by Joaquin Caro: I'm a sucker for good Rust content, as there's still so many gaps in what's available. Joaquin does a great job of giving readers his perspective of the language's features in a way that traditional docs just don't. 

Best of DZone: Agile and Project Management

Getting Started

A Short Guide on How to Get Started With Agile Project Management by Evgen Domch: Get started with your first Agile project using this step-by-step guide that will walk you through every aspect of the process

Top 40 Project Management Terms and Concepts of 2019 by Fred Wilson: This large list of terms and jargon from project management can serve as a great reference for management and teams beginning their Agile journey.

Best of DZone: Refcardz

Whether you're looking for a full-length introduction to a framework, trying to better understand best-practices around your favorite language, or just need a quick reference for pesky syntax you always forget, look no further than the following Refcardz.

Started in 2008, Refcardz have come to be cornerstone of DZone's content, giving experts and practitioners an opportunity to share all that they know about popular topics in development with our audience. Enjoy!

DIG in Your GIT — Best Practices

This is one of the easiest best practices, which you can start using in less than 2 minutes. But the impact will be huge.

Today I will share one of my all-time favorite practice - DIG in your GIT

Smarter Analytics Dashboards With Automation and Machine Learning

Like any other tool in software, analytics dashboards are abstractions. They allow data scientists, analysts, developers, and statisticians to make it as easy as possible for non-experts and peers to gain insights from data. This allows everyone to collect important data and business intelligence without having to put in the additional effort usually required for collecting those insights in the first place.

For those, like me, without a strong understanding of statistics, this means not having to pour over a textbook for a few months just to figure out if a trend is significant or not. For others, this means not having to repeat the same process of collection, processing, cleaning, and analysis to acquire the same insights.

CSS Flexbox Basics Part 1

Whether it's making your application mobile responsive or getting something to align just right, if you've ever worked on a UI, you probably understand the frustrations that come with CSS:

Every backend dev

To get past whatever issues you may have experienced, you might have turned to a framework, like Bootstrap, looked to CSS Grid, or, if you're old-school, stuck with floats. All of these options have their benefits, but, like everything in development, have some negatives. Using a framework means you have to live with importing the entirety of it into your project. CSS Grid can feel a little clunky at times, especially if you're new to it. Floats are nice but often aren't as expressive as they ideally could be. 

For Loops in JavaScript: Native, forEach, and For-of

In this article, we're going to walk through the many different ways to loop through arrays in JavaScript, from the native approach many will be familiar with, to more recent (and readable) methods introduced in ES6 and later. 

Native For-Loop



let myArray = ["Hello,", "world!", "It's", "nice", "to", "meet", "you!"];

for(let i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
    const currElem = myArray[i];
    console.log(`At index ${i}, our element is: ${currElem}`);

Publication Release: DevSecOps Trend Report

For years, security has been an afterthought — functionality that developers and product managers often address at the last minute, right before a build is about to ship. For some individuals and teams, this practice stems from a reactive approach to security, in which vulnerabilities are expected to be dealt with only once they’re discovered after a release. For others, this stems from prioritizing additional features and functionality (and immediate ROI) over security (and minimizing risk). For most, however, the cause of this issue is more systematic in nature.

Businesses today expect speed from development teams. Too often, the questions that leaders and managers ask concern the time of the next deployment or how soon a bug can be fixed, rather than how well a problem is addressed. This mindset is innately oppositional to ensuring the security of an application. Security, like any other part of software development, is iterative; it takes rounds of testing and attention to detail from all stakeholders involved in order to eliminate vulnerabilities.

Your Guide to GraphQL [Tutorials and Articles]

What Is GraphQL?

GraphQL vs the REST

Getting Started




Querying Data

Building Microservices With GraphQL

Creating a Headless CMS 


More Resources 

The Complete Apache Spark Collection [Tutorials and Articles]

In this edition of "Best of DZone," we've compiled our best tutorials and articles on one of the most popular analytics engines for data processing, Apache Spark. Whether you're a beginner or are a long-time user, but have run into inevitable bottlenecks, we've got your back!

Before we begin, we'd like need to thank those who were a part of this article. DZone has and continues to be a community powered by contributors like you who are eager and passionate to share what they know with the rest of the world. 

Hunting the ELK (Stack): Data Monitoring to Visualization

Experts in the field

Made up of Elastisearch, "a search and analytics engine," Logstash, "a server-side data processing pipeline that "ingests data from multiple sources simultaneously, transforms it, and then sends it to a 'stash'," (according to Elastic's official site) and Kibana, a robust visualization tool, the ELK stack has quickly become one of the premier tools available to developers for data processing, management, and visualization. 

Whether you're just starting out with any of the three technologies, or you're a seasoned veteran, we've compiled the best that our community has to offer for basic questions about getting started to complex tutorials for real-time data management. 

Authentication and Authorization: Mastering Security

Don't be this paranoid... but maybe be a little paranoid

In this edition of "Best of DZone," we dive into a topic that's forgotten all too often during software development: security. So, strap in, close the blinds, and, as our CTO likes to say, "Put on your tin foil hats," as we dive into all things authentication and authorization.

Whether it be auth basics, adding auth to your web apps, microservices, or APIs, or getting started with JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), we (meaning our amazing community of contributors) have your back to make sure your next project is completely secure, no matter the situation. 

Gitting Started With Git

Let Octocat be your guide

In this edition of "Best of DZone," we take a look at all things Git, from basic commands, to theory behind its functionality, to development and deployment patterns. All tutorials and articles featured below are from our wonderful community members who continue to power DZone by sharing their knowledge of and passion for development with readers like you. 

Without further ado, let's git started!

A Kafka Tutorial for Everyone, no Matter Your Stage in Development

I'll keep the existentialism to a minimum, promise

In this edition of "Best of DZone," we've chosen to take a look at Apache Kafka, the low-latency stream-processing platform that has become an industry-standard for real-time streaming and analytics, log aggregation, and Spark data ingestion since LinkedIn first released it to the open source community in early 2011. 

With this collection, we hoped to provide readers with the resources and knowledge they need, regardless of their level of expertise with working the platform or big data in general, to master all things Kafka. 

Writing About Web Development [Prompts]

Ever struggle with what to write? No worries, we've got you covered. Here's a list of web development prompts and article ideas to help cure even the worst cases of writer's block. So, take a moment, check out the prompts below, pick one (or more!), and get to writing.

Also, please feel free to comment on this post to bounce around ideas, ask questions, or share which prompt(s) you're working on. 

Writing About Security [Prompts]

Ever struggle with what to write? No worries, we've got you covered. Here's a list of security prompts and article ideas to help cure even the worst cases of writer's block. So, take a moment, check out the prompts below, pick one (or more!), and get to writing.

Also, please feel free to comment on this post to bounce around ideas, ask questions, or share which prompt(s) you're working on. 

Writing About Big Data [Prompts]

Ever struggle with what to write? No worries, we've got you covered. Here's a list of Big Data prompts and article ideas to help cure even the worst cases of writer's block. So, take a moment, check out the prompts below, pick one (or more!), and get to writing.

Also, please feel free to comment on this post to bounce around ideas, ask questions, or share which prompt(s) you're working on.