Collective #648

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A gigantic collection of bitmap fonts pulled from various demoscene archives over the years.

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Same Energy

Jacob Jackson has been working on a visual search engine called Same Energy for the past couple of months. Give it a try, it’s amazing!

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The home of Can You Draw a Perfect Circle?, Hit the High Notes, Kick the Ball Back, Programming Language Inventor or Serial Killer?, ButtyStock, Goth or Moth? and oodles more. Formerly known as ‘malevole’.

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Submit your web forms with — no programming, PHP scripting, or FormMailer required. Free for small websites.

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My 90’s TV

Go back to the 1990’s via this nostalgic TV simulator and relive the original ads, music videos, movie trailers, shows and more!

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Collective #647

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Blockchain domains are owned, not rented

Blockchain domains are stored by their owners in their wallet like a cryptocurrency, no third party can take them away. Pay once and you own the domain for life, no renewal fees. Get your .crypto or .zil domain now.

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Iconduck lists over 100,000 free open source icons, illustrations and graphics from around the web. They can be used for personal and commercial projects.

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If you didn’t know about it yet: ReacType is an open-source application that assists developers in prototyping React applications via a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface.

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Collective #646

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How We Improved SmashingMag Performance

In this article, you’ll learn about the changes made on Smashing Magazine — running on JAMStack with React — to optimize the web performance and improve the Core Web Vitals metrics.

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Follow an amazing journey in Japan with this projection mapping project, Wldlght.

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A designless, multistep, conversational, secure, all-in-one WordPress forms plugin.

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Collective #645

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My Favorite Typefaces of 2020

After a decade, ILT’s annual Favorite Fonts list is back. The top-ten favorite typefaces is now joined by another 50 typefaces in the extended Honorable Mentions list.

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Noise Planets

Atul Vinayak studies and replicates some generative line artwork by Tyler Hobbs using p5js.

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Collective #644

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Front-End Performance Checklist

An annual front-end performance checklist with everything you need to know to create fast experiences on the web today, from metrics to tooling and front-end techniques.

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@react-three/a11y brings accessibility to WebGL, with easy to use components to enable focus indication, keyboard tab navigation, and screen reader support.

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OpenScan is an open-source app that enables users to scan hard copies of documents or notes and convert it into a PDF file.

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Collective #643

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The Devil’s Albatross

Learn how to build an algorithmic layout that switches from two centered elements to a spaced-out flex layout. By Nils Binder.

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Fire ball 2

Yoichi Kobayashi’s sketch that is an example of how to use SkinnedMesh, Skeleton, and Bone by creating a fireball tail.

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Fantasy UIs

If you didn’t know about it: super interesting interviews about fantasy user interfaces.

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LinkAce is a free and open source bookmark archive for long-term storage and organization of your favorite links.

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Collective #640

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The 2020 Web Almanac

The Web Almanac is an annual state of the web report combining the expertise of the web community with the data and trends of the HTTP Archive.

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The Rules of Margin Collapse

Josh W Comeau puts an end to the mystery of collapsing margins and explains everything you need to know to not get caught by surprise anymore.

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Valtio Game

A demo that shows how to create a simple game with Valtio, a proxy-state library for React.

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Collective #639


A peer-to-peer stack for building software together. Without central servers and censorship.

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Mannequin.js is a simple library of an articulated mannequin figure. The shape of the figure and its movements are done purely in JavaScript. The graphics is implemented in Three.js.

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A place to showcase websites, receive web design awards, find inspiration for a web design project and interact with people that have similar interests.

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Advent of Code 2020

A new edition of the great coding Advent calendar: Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like.

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Explore the physics of other universes with this particle simulator that was built in ~500 lines of self-contained HTML/JS/WebGL2.

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An ex-Googler’s guide to dev tools

After leaving Google, many engineers miss the developer tools. Here’s one ex-Googler’s guide to navigating the dev tools landscape outside of Google, finding the ones that fill the gaps you’re feeling, and introducing these to your new team.

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Preview your business cards in a 3D scene you can customize, save and export.

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Collective #637

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A tutorial on how to create a brilliant React hover animation effect with React Spring.

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Infinite Bad Guy

Infinite Bad Guy is an AI experiment that uses machine learning to seamlessly align thousands of covers of Billie Eilish’s “Bad Guy” into an infinite music video.

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An easy-to-use library for adding search, sort, filters and flexibility to tables, lists and various HTML elements.

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Collective #636

Our Sponsor

The Divi Black Friday Sale

Black Friday is the only time each year that we offer 25% off new Divi memberships and Divi membership upgrades and along with each purchase, customers also get access to a free prize. We are giving away premium Divi modules, child themes and layouts in batches.

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Collective #635

Back/forward cache

Learn how to optimize your pages for instant loads when using the browser’s back and forward buttons. By Philip Walton.

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ThreeJS starter

A fantastic Three.js boilerplate made by Francesco Michelini. It uses Parcel to create the bundle and Tweakpane for live updates. Here’s the demo.

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Tailwind CSS v2.0

Read about the new Tailwind CSS version that includes an all-new color palette, dark mode support, and a lot more.

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Masonry Layout

Level 3 of the CSS Grid Layout specification includes a masonry value for grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows. This MDN guide details what masonry layout is, and how to use it.

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Collective #634

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More important than ever: An archivist browser controller that caches everything you browse, a library server with full text search to serve your archive.

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Our Sponsor

Black Friday with 15,000+ Free Prizes!

With over 15,000 free prizes, free bonus gifts, dozens exclusive discounts and perks from our partners, and our biggest discount ever on Divi memberships and upgrades, you wouldn’t want to miss this year’s Black Friday sale that starts on Nov 27th at exactly 12:00 AM UTC-6.

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Web animation gotchas

Fading something in, and fading something out – sounds simple right? Unfortunately not! Jake & Surma talk through the various gotchas of animating the web, and how to work around them.

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Socialify helps you showcase your project to the world by generating a beautiful project image.

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A “free” tool by Microsoft that helps you train machine learning models.

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Collective #633

Webbed Briefs

Webbed Briefs are brief, hilarious videos about the web, its technologies, and how to make the most of them. By no other than Heydon Pickering.

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Flow CSS Utility

Learn how the flow utility provides flow and rhythm between direct sibling elements. By Andy Bell.

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If you’re into maps: The official repository for #30DayMapChallenge, It is a daily mapping, cartography and data visualization challenge aimed at the spatial community.

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Block Rage

Block Rage is a super cool pixel art game where you must move descending blocks of different shapes to form lines.

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Collective #632


Pet cursor (Neko cursor) is a simple JavaScript file that turns your website’s cursor into a cute animated pet. By Nathalie Lawhead.

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A WebGL game inspired by Minecraft, Fortnite, Counter Strike, and Call of Duty. Read more about it here.

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A beautiful demo where you can adjust the parameters of a shape made by Arnaud Di Nunzio.

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Native CSS Masonry Layout In CSS Grid

There is now a specification for native CSS masonry layout, as part of the Grid Layout spec. In this article, Rachel Andrew explains how it works with the help of a couple of demos you can try out in Firefox Nightly.

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Collective #631

Next.js Commerce

The all-in-one starter kit for high-performance e-commerce sites. With a few clicks, Next.js developers can clone, deploy and fully own their own store.

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Tyrus is a free digital toolkit from Airbnb Design that helps freelance illustrators optimize their business, so they have more time to focus on what they love.

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Vue Data Table

TJ Fogarty explores how to tackle a data table in Vue without relying on third-party solutions.

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ML Art

A curated showcase of creative machine learning artworks and projects.

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Clip-path demo

A recreation of an effect made by Lorenzo Cadamuro on Robin Noguier’s website. By Gianmarco Simone.

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Collective #630

Phosphor Icons

In case you didn’t know it yet: A flexible icon family for interfaces, diagrams, presentations and more.

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A project worth mentioning: Find and support independent, local shops as an alternative to Amazon.

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Collective #629

Hands-Free Coding

Josh W Comeau shares his workflow where he almost exclusively uses a microphone and an eye-tracker.

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Simple, unopinionated, lightweight and extensible state management for Vue 3.

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SVG Favicon Maker

With modern browsers supporting SVG favicon this tool will come in handy to create your own letter or Emoji-based icon.

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Collective #628

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This content is sponsored via Thought Leaders

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Deploy more with Linux virtual machines, global infrastructure, and simple pricing. No surprise invoices, no lock-in, and the same price across 11 global data centers. Industry-leading price-performance. Shared, Dedicated, High Memory, and GPU instances plus S3-Compatible Object Storage, Managed Kubernetes, and more. $100 in cloud infrastructure credit.

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Faster Web App Delivery with PRPL

Learn all about PRPL, a pattern for structuring and serving web applications and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) with an emphasis on improved app delivery and launch performance.

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Webpack 5 Headache

Sindre Sorhus on how Webpack no longer automatically polyfilling Node.js APIs is a huge breaking change and will inconvenience both users and package maintainers.

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Announcing Ionic Vue

Read about the release of Ionic Vue, a native Vue version of Ionic Framework that makes it easy to build apps for iOS, Android, and the web as a Progressive Web App.

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Tailwind CSS tutorial

A Tailwind CSS tutorial that covers the installation via a package manager, generating the configuration file, building a website and reducing the final CSS file.

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