Legacy Code Refactoring: Tips, Steps, and Best Practices

Nobody loves to work on legacy code because it can be a confusing endeavor; at best, it’s time-consuming. But do we now live with the huge repercussions and costs of retaining and utilizing legacy codes as they are?

Legacy code is usually always associated with technical debt—the cost of achieving fast release and optimal speed-to-market time; however, at the expense of providing quality and durable code that will still need to be revamped later. According to Hitachi consulting research, legacy systems hampered the efficiency of at least 90 percent of organizations.

AI: The Future of HealthTech

Being bolstered by AI, both automation and hyper-automation have remained leading IT trends for several years in a row while amplifying numerous industries. However, there is one area tech scions never took seriously before the pandemic: the potential of AI in HealthTech. 

In 2022, HealthTech has made it into common flagship services and a fast lane across global tech companies. With that said, let's see how AI can be used in healthcare software, its current stand on the market, and related technologies you might want to look into further. I’ll also go over one of the technicalities of intelligent drug discovery and gene-sequencing, based on real cases from some of my clients.