Reconciliation and Five Stages of Its Evolution

Before the coronavirus epidemic accelerated the processes of banking digital transformation and changed the familiar world, financial experts had thought about the 2020s as the decade of data. Day after day, the equipment of financial institutions and specialized clusters for processing Big Data are working with trillions of code lines coming from all over the world.

The amount and complexity of data are growing at such an incredible speed that processing it manually is no longer possible. We can say that, in the near future, only those companies that have the necessary tools to cope with this information flow will be able to withstand and continue developing.

7 Ways to Improve Testing Efficiency in Application Development

A familiar situation: the application scales, and as it grows, the costs of testing and quality control increase — costs increase, but problems remain. A competent QA specialist will immediately understand that such a deadlock has arisen due to the absence of a clear strategy. Without such a strategy, managers can inflate the budget as much as they wish, but it won’t bring the expected positive result.

There are several methods that help to organize the testing process, make it more flexible, save money, and improve results. Let's consider them in this article.

How to Successfully Implement DevOps Techniques Into Your Project

Any innovation should start with a solid business case, and DevOps is not an exception. Why should businesses invest in the changes needed to implement DevOps? In this article, we will answer this question and discuss how to effectively implement DevOps methods in a project.

Setting the Stage for DevOps Implementation

IT technologies have a huge impact on the development of modern businesses. These changes are described in detail in Why Software Is Eating The World by Marc Andreessen. It's not hard to cite a few examples of tech startups that have already made a significant contribution or even changed the entire industry. For this purpose, one can simply look at the radical changes in the retail, transportation, and hospitality industries, which were caused by software innovations from companies such as Amazon, Uber, and Airbnb.

Making Results of Credit Scoring Transparent Without Compromising Security

Nowadays, the most common problem of scoring is that not everyone can quickly interpret the results that the model produced. A complex algorithm examines dozens of factors in dynamics, and hardly anyone can immediately see and understand what it’s all about. This article describes an algorithm that explains in natural language the strengths and weaknesses of a business, which affects decision-making.

Why does a bank need it? They need it in order to increase the speed and culture of corporate communication and effective dialogue with the client. Banks had to implement new solutions post-factum and in a rush, which costs them a share of the market and was taken over by young and daring FinTech companies. In the eyes of ordinary people, a scoring system is a black box, and this fact does reduce trust in them. Upon being turned down, most clients go to the support service for explanations of what exactly the bank did not like and why the conditions for the loan are so tough.

Using Neural Networks to Discover Antibiotics

Antibiotic resistance is one of the greatest challenges plaguing modern medicine. More than a hundred thousand people die every year because doctors cannot treat bacterial infections. However, there is an unexpected ally in this fight for lives, which can help to solve the problem of bacterial resistance to existing drugs. This ally is neural networks. Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology demonstrated that well-trained neural networks can successfully identify new antibiotics from millions of candidate molecules.

Why Many Antibiotics Are Becoming Ineffective

Simply put, the mechanism of bacterial adaptation to antibiotics can be described as follows: random mutations constantly occur in bacterial DNA, and due to their huge number, there is always a probability that some of these mutations will help particular bacteria survive in new conditions. The rest of the population might die, but the surviving ones will quickly multiply and take their place. Bacteria are unlikely to survive boiling or intense irradiation, but many of them no longer respond to antibiotics. Developing resistance requires a certain period of time, and with each year, less and less time is needed. For example, by the early 1970s, most of the gonococcus bacteria had developed high-level resistance to antibiotics of the penicillin group.

5 Basic Cybersecurity Solutions That Will Benefit Any Business

Director of Verizon Lowell McAdam once said that any company would sooner or later become a victim to hackers, no matter how hard it tried to ensure cybersecurity. McAdam has his reasons for such an opinion. In 2013, three months after the acquisition of Yahoo!, three billion accounts were at risk due to a single hacker attack. 

However, the inevitability of an attack doesn’t mean that no protective measures need to be taken. After all, one hack in the entire history of a company is much better than ten hacks or a hundred hacks (though hardly any company, even a large one, can survive this). Although hackers’ activity is growing, and incidents are more frequent, many companies continue to ignore the danger.

IoT in Healthcare: How IoT Will Improve the Quality of Medical Services

IoT (Internet of Things) technology is penetrating deeply into everyday human life. IoT can be a car, kitchen appliances, and even heart rate monitors connected via the Internet into one network where they exchange data. For example, having received data from the alarm clock in your smartphone, an IoT coffee maker will know when you get up for work and brew coffee at your desired time, down to the minute.

However, one of the most promising areas for the implementation of IoT devices is in healthcare. According to a study conducted by analysts from the Aruba Networking Department, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Russia, six out of ten global healthcare organizations are already using IoT devices.

3 Reasons to Win the Testing Trophy

In 2015, London was shaken to its foundation by Bloomberg’s software failure that affected over 300,000 traders worldwide. The same year, the Royal Bank of Scotland paid a £56 million fine because of a software glitch that had blocked their clients’ access to the bank’s services. In 2017, British Airways had to cancel over 1,000 flights due to a major IT breakdown. And perhaps coffee lovers from the US and Canada can recall the day when Starbucks ended up giving out coffee for free because its system refused to process payments.

The above examples show that one can’t underestimate the importance of software testing. Properly conducted tests reduce your stress levels and save you money, regardless of whether we are talking about e-commerce, finance, transportation, or even a coffee shop business.

Using Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Flexibility of Digital Manufacturing

In order to ensure an industrial enterprise works successfully, it is necessary to make the production processes as efficient as possible. Each and every step needs to be optimized for minimizing the chance of errors and maximizing production speed and product quality.

The digitalization of manufacturing provides many additional opportunities. Particularly, the business gets the ability to conduct a complete assessment of the entire production chain in real-time. Digital communication connects all processes and allows for their improvement by introducing new technologies, such as AI.

Recent Trends in Smart Factory

All modern solutions in the field of Smart Factory are, in fact, the same we could see a year or two ago; there aren't any radical breakthroughs that have happened in this area. Companies use the same technologies, but they are learning to do it more efficiently.

For several years, IoT has been seen as a promising technology for manufacturing. However, the adoption of this technology is rather slow. Those few companies that were the first to invest in this area are now leaders in digital manufacturing transformation and have an advantage over the rest of the companies.

Quality Control in OTT

OTT and streaming services are becoming increasingly popular: people watch videos on mobile devices and computers much more often. For instance, in the US, 86% of smartphone owners use their mobile devices to watch video content. Television broadcasters and content-makers do need to have their own OTT services; but, what is more, they should constantly monitor the quality of streaming and content in order to be competitive in an actively developing market.

Media Format Is Changeable

The traditional format for delivering video content, via cable or satellite TV, is linear. Viewers have to watch what is shown at that moment and use a device connected to a cable or dish. But viewers want to watch what they are interested in right now, using the device that is comfortable for them. OTT provides such an opportunity, and therefore, this format is becoming mainstream. Now, it is the viewer who dictates what they want to watch and when, while the content-makers try to offer the user a product that best suits their preferences.

Who Needs A/B Tests and Why?

A/B testing is one of the best methods for finding optimal ways of improving conversion, economic indicators, and behavioral factors. There are some other methods, but they are more complex and expensive. The key benefits of A/B tests are their affordability and suitability for businesses of any scale.

A/B testing can be called one of the most meaningful ways of searching for solutions and making decisions in business; those solutions and decisions that a company’s profit and development of various products both depend on. The tests give an opportunity to make decisions based not only on theories and hypotheses but also on practical knowledge of how specific changes modify the clients’ interaction with the network.

Blockchain In Medicine and Pharmaceuticals: Complete Overview of Possibilities

Over the past five years, blockchain has gained immense popularity almost from scratch. Although this popularity was somewhat overheated by the hype over Bitcoin, blockchain remains a useful and in-demand technology. Blockchain has already been successfully applied in many fields, including healthcare. In this overview, we will consider the main scenarios for using blockchain technology in healthcare, medicine, and pharmaceuticals.

Pre-Requisites For the Use of Blockchain In Healthcare

Traditional mechanisms for the exchange of medical information are outdated; they no longer cope with their tasks in modern healthcare infrastructure. In some countries, a patient has to personally bring all of their past medical records to the new hospital or undergo the medical tests again.

AWS Scheduled Lambda Function: Possible Options and Ultimate Solution

The topic of the scheduled launch of lambda functions is quite relevant for AWS serverless solutions. Nowadays, almost all projects use the same approach, and even though it works it is far from the optimal approach. In this article, we will consider alternatives and define which option will work best in practice.

For illustration, let’s take an architecture of the following type: