Building a List With ASP.NET Core

I’ve recently been working with ASP.NET Core to build some functionality involving building a list of values. Typically, with ASP.NET  Core using Razor, you have a form that may look something like this:

@using (Html.BeginForm("MyAction", "ControllerName", FormMethod.Post)
    <div class="form-group">
        @Html.LabelFor(model => model.MyValue)
        @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.MyValue)

    <div class="form-group">
        <button type="submit">Submit</button>

This works really well in 90% of cases, where you want the user to enter a value and submit. This is your average CRUD application; however, what happens if, for some reason, you need to manipulate one of these values? Let’s say, for example, that you want to submit a list of values.

Creating a Car Game in React (Part 1): Drawing and Moving

Since I started looking at React, I've wondered whether it would be possible to create a multi-user game. The game would look a little like a Spectrum game that I used to play called Trans-Am. I'm guessing most people reading this are not going to be old enough to remember this. Essentially, it marks the peak of car game development, and everything has been down hill ever since.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about then there's a demo of the game here.

C# Developer’s Guide to React.js (Part 3): Conditionally Rendering HTML in React

This is the third in a series of posts on interesting things I've discovered about React; the first two parts can be found here:

  1. C# Developer's Guide to React.js (Part 1): Create and Run
  2. C# Developer's guide to React.js (Part 2): Moving Controls

One of the things that tripped me up early on while I was learning React (not that I'm a fully-fledged expert now or anything) was how to display HTML elements based on a given criteria. For example, say you only want to display a label while the form is loading, or you want to display a message based on other information on the screen.

Xamarin Dependencies: Android App Just Doesn’t Start After Deployment

Being relatively new to Xamarin, I naively expected any errors to just show up, you know, like when you run a console app after headbutting the keyboard, it gives you some vague indication that there's a problem with your code.

My story starts with the default template of Xamarin, running just an Android application. I just want to mention again that this is the default template (admittedly I am running VS2019 and .NET Core 3.0 - at the time of writing, .NET Core 3.0 is still in preview).

Working Out When Something Broke Using Git Bisect and Git Log

On Feb, 5 I attended DDD North. There were many excellent talks, but, in this post, I'm delving into something that I saw in one of the grok talks (I gave one myself). It concerns a feature of git that I'd never heard about until then, and it's proved to be enormously useful. This post is, as all of my posts are, really for myself.

You're giving the app a quick test, and suddenly you realize that something in the application has stopped working (or maybe it's started, but it shouldn't have). You remember that two days ago, this particular thing was working fine. This post is going to cover manually using git bisect to determine when your code was broken.