— The Rising Future of Web Automation Testing is the new kid on the block when it comes to web automation testing tools. It has quickly gained a following among developers due to its simplicity and power. 

Cypress is a relatively new entrant in the web automation testing space. It has quickly gained popularity due to its user-friendly interface and features that make it easy to use. Cypress has been designed to make web automation testing more efficient and reliable.

Time Estimation in Software Testing

Striking the right balance between maintaining the software quality and taking care of the release date is one of the many challenges that we partake in the software development life cycle. As a result, it becomes extremely necessary in building the right test cases to address and resort to addressing the product risk with the adjoined test case. While this is standard practice and should be given the maximum value, dissecting each requirement with the test case will seemingly postpone the end date of delivery and subsequent launch of the product. This is where proper planning comes into action. Estimating the testing time takes proper planning and treating the SDLC as a puzzle, wherein you will have to compartmentalize each part of the puzzle and think it directly in terms of testing. 

Planning makes it feasible to utilize the already available resources to the best of your capabilities and also helps in predicting your long-terms as well as short-term project goals. The closer and accurate your planning data turns out to be the closer you are going to get to higher quality project management. 

How to Write Test Script in Selenium?

Selenium is one of the essential automation testing tools for web applications or websites. So, it is quite efficient for you to learn the right process to code and write the Selenium test scripts with the help of the right Selenium testing tutorial. The people who want to automate the website or web application testing process always think of Selenium, and conducting this test is also an easy process.

Today I am going to share the important steps that you need to follow to understand how to write a Selenium test script for automation testing of the website or web application. Follow this blog till the end to master the art of doing it.

Best Practices For Agile Testing (Updated)

Agile Testing Methodology helps you focus on the exact issues that need to be covered. Agile testing is now a crucial part of deriving the life-cycle of an application. Moreover, it has a great impact on the overall software development and quality assurance aspects. In addition to that, agile testing is all about helping business owners get high-quality applications without bugs and error interference. Hence, this article is all about explaining to you the latest and best practices for agile testing adapted under the Agile testing methodology.

Best Practice for Agile Testing

In this digital world, Agile Testing Becomes the most critical concept of software development, This process also plays an important role in Quality improvement. Today, In this blog we will be going to take a deep-dive analysis of agile testing best practices.

Top 10 Industrial Benefits of QA Automation Testing Services

With the current advancement in the tech and space, it is becoming daunting for companies to maintain both the quality and the efficiency of mobile app development. This is the reason that testing and QA automation testing services have always been one of the most critical activities which get forgotten because of the limitations pertaining to both technology and cost. However, this goes on to cause a compromised product quality along with an angry customer a lot of monetary loss.

In fact, the major reason that one sees a surge in the increase in costs is due to an extremely ineffective test strategy combined with an increase in the effort with which the test case was generated. This is where test automation comes into play. Test automation outsourcing helps a great deal in pacing up the testing process in multiple ways. It automatically increases the effort multifold and results in the quickest returns.

Effective Jira Test Case Management

Delivering the best quality software is the end game for any software project. And for the sake of that, you need test repeatedly. This should specifically be the case in organizations practicing DevOps. However, there are several organizations that lack the tools in order to manage the test properly. This is especially common for Jira users to track development related issues. Due to Jira’s lack of built-in testing functionality, Jira test case management has to be manually aligned

Before diving deeper let us quickly go through what Jira testing is and why it has created a buzz.