How To Download and Install Maven?

The Apache Group created the well-liked open-source build tool Maven to build, publish, and deploy multiple projects simultaneously for improved project management. The lifecycle framework can be built and documented using the provided tool. 

Maven is built in Java and is used to create projects in C#, Scala, Ruby, and other languages. This tool, which is based on the Project Object Model (POM), has made the life of Java developers simpler when producing reports, checking builds, and testing automated settings. 

Test Case vs. Test Scenario

Test Case

A test case is a set of activities that are carried out to verify the functionality of a certain component or feature of your product application. A test case is a set of test steps, test information, preconditions, and postconditions built for specific test cases to ensure that all prerequisites are met.

It's a collection of circumstances or elements. When a tester determines whether an application, programming framework, or one of its features is performing as expected.

Analysis of Selenium 4 Relative Locators

Friendly Locators were previously known as Relative Locators. Relative Locators are used to track down a specific component or element in relation to another component's location. There are a total of five strategies and two arguments to choose from. We can use the Web Element component boundary or the by-finder border. A list of relative locators can be found below:

1) above(): Finds a component or set of components that are positioned above a valid component.