Styles of Software Architecture

I recently started studying styles of software architecture in different ways: by reading books by renowned architects and by trying to go a step further in my professional career. I have seen how different it is to be an architect from a developer; although these two roles have many points in common, the approach is different.

I don't want to describe what it means to be a software architect in this article. I will summarize what I have been reading and learning about the different styles of software architecture categorized as monolithic or distributed.

Stow: Alacritty

I’ve been working on Mac for many years with the same terminal: iTerm2. It is well known by the Mac community and not for less, a terminal is not that it has much work to do but the little it has to do, it does it very well (tabs, tmux integration, customization).

The problem comes when we go to another operating system. I recently had the pleasure (and it’s not ironic) of working with the Windows environment and its WSL2, and I went crazy to find something similar.

Managing Dotfiles With Stow

As a programmer, much of our time at work is spent developing code (and attending meetings, of course. ), So much so that we usually spend a lot of time configuring the toolset that we use on a daily basis. We are not only talking about the evolution of the configuration but also about how to configure your new laptop, have several computers, or simply share a certain configuration of a certain tool with a colleague.

The great majority of applications (and more in UNIX systems) are configured through the well-known “dotfiles” (stored in the user’s $HOME), which are not more than files or folders that begin with a . to configure the applications (ex: .bashrc, .git/). The purpose of starting with a dot is that, by default operating systems treat them as hidden files and don’t show them unless you tell them to.

Functional JavaScript: Lenses

One of the most interesting talks among the ones I attended in was Functional Lenses in JavaScript by FlavioCorpa. He talked about Functional Lenses in a practical way; what’s more, he started with his own small implementation (not for production), and then he talked about different libraries like Ramda or Monocle-TS.

The talk started with an easy-to-understand definition for those of us who are familiar with the procedural/imperative programming: “Lenses are basically functional getters and setters”. Basically, what we get with Lenses is the ability to reuse the data access of a structure in a modular and immutable way, either to obtain the data or to modify it. Later, we will see examples to better understand it.

GitTip: Skip WorkTree

Use skip-worktree to sneak in modifications git won't notice

GitTip: Skip WorkTree

This tip is simple and powerful in equal parts. What we want to achieve is to modify a local file that git could not identify as having been modified despite being already tracked. For this example, I have a file “config.txt” with the content: “secret.” This file works well in all environments, but in the local environment, I need to change it for testing. No problem: it is modified, the relevant tests are made, it is reverted and it is uploaded.

The problem comes when that file, for various reasons, has to be modified in your local environment and has to work without being uploaded to avoid affecting other files. How can we do that?