Elasticsearch Fundamentals and Setup Progress

Elasticsearch is a full-text search engine and analysis tool developed using Java programming language on Apache Lucene infrastructure. 

Lucene, which was developed to perform searches on huge text files on a single machine, is Elasticsearch, which emerged because it was insufficient in searches on instant data and distributed systems; It has gained popularity in a short time with its flexible structure, ability to work with real-time data in distributed systems.

Elasticsearch TLS Activation: X-Pack Security

TLS (Transport Layer Security) is the general name of a standardized encryption protocol for inter-network communications. Transfer Protocol, on the other hand, is a special name that Elasticsearch uses for data transfer.

On the Elasticsearch side, the TLS structure is used to ensure data transfer between clusters (nodes) in an encrypted manner and to prevent nodes that do not provide the relevant encryption certificate from connecting to the existing cluster structure unannounced. Along with this, we will also activate the xpack.security module.

Flutter Webview URL Listeners

If you are new to Flutter development and want to learn how to use WebView, handle various WebView operations, and open native application pages from WebView, here are some tips for you.

What Is WebView?

If developers want to show any web page or website or load a URL inside an application, a WebView can be displayed without the help of any browser, so, basically, it displays the content of web pages directly inside the application.