Why Agile Doesn’t Work for Large Projects

But we want Agile to work all the time!

Today many company executives in and outside of IT see in flexible methodologies a tool that will increase the speed of work on projects. For this reason, organizations without these methodologies are striving to actively implement Agile.

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But the question arises: Can it really help? Or is Agile only a convenient technology for inventing apologies for deadlines? Let's dive into it.

We Can’t Seem to Escape the Problem of Complexity in Software Development

A typical project in the IT industry often looks like a giant roller coaster. At first, it seems that everything is fine, and superhero programmers will find a solution for any kind of problem. 

But a little while later, we learn that even good ideas can fail. And we have to continue building the project, but this time with the help of crutches.