Creating Event-Based Architecture on Top of Existing API Ecosystem

We are all creatures of convenience. So just think, which package delivery company you would give a favorable review: the one that, though providing package tracking, informs you on what day and within what time frame you’re supposed to expect your delivery to arrive (and even that ends up incorrect due to, say, traffic delays), or the one that actively notifies you that your package is now ‘this many’ stops away from you?

The demand for real-time applications and services is undoubtedly increasing. If your business app or service is customer-oriented, be aware that customers will probably expect a more immediate, real-time experience. And with that, the topic of event-driven architecture increasingly gains strategic importance and hence the interest from companies of all sizes.

ERP Integration Guide | Common Scenarios, Challenges, and Methods

The phrase “We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided,” though coming from the fictional character of Albus Dumbledore in the Harry Potter saga, can also perfectly illustrate the importance of ERP integration to companies. An ERP system is often considered the backbone of an enterprise, whether eCommerce, supply chain, manufacturing, or healthcare business. But to unfold the full potential of their ERP system, companies will need to integrate it with other applications to ensure a consistent data flow, provide access to accurate information across the entire company, and automate enterprise business processes.

So, let’s dive into why we should integrate ERP with other enterprise business systems in the first place, what the common scenarios are and what advantages they bring, and review the 3 current popular methods for ERP system integrations.

How Do You Do Rest Integration | Step-by-Step Methodology

When you need two or more applications and services to exchange data between them on a regular basis, REST integration (or REST API integration) is one method that slowly but steadily gains the status as the new and preferred standard.

But as with any other project where you need to connect apps and web services via API, integrating REST requires good preparation and a solid methodology to avoid project delays, development overhead, and too many errors. So, how do you do REST integration the right way? Well, in this article, we explore exactly this topic, offering you a step-by-step guide of all the things you need to consider and clarify before you even start working on the code.

A Guide to API Types and Integration Specifics

There is plenty of information on the different types of APIs, common API architectures and protocols, and such. So, instead of providing general information, I decided to take a look at all these concepts specifically from the integration perspective including:

  • What exactly working with different types, architectures, and protocols of APIs means when you want to integrate several services with each other
  • What tools can be useful in such cases and what aspects you might need to be aware of. 

So, let’s kick off this topic with the first part – the different types of APIs and their integration.

Data Mapping Best Practices | A Brief Guide to Types, Approaches, and Tools

Mapping data between software applications is a time-consuming process that requires in-depth preparation and strategy, good knowledge of data sources and targets, and depending on your approach, hands-on development. 

In any application integration, data migration, and in general, any data management initiative, data mapping is one of the most critical steps. One could even argue that the integrations project success depends largely on correct mapping of source to target data.