GKE Security: Top 10 Strategies for Securing Your Cluster

Security is one of the key challenges in Kubernetes because of its configuration complexity and vulnerability. Managed container services like Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) provide many protection features but don’t take all related responsibilities off your plate. Read on to learn more about GKE security and best practices to secure your cluster.

Basic Overview of GKE Security

GKE protects your workload in many layers, which include your container image, its runtime, the cluster network, and access to the cluster API server.

Kubernetes Control Plane: 10 Tips for Airtight K8s Security

In a recent report, 94% of respondents said they experienced a Kubernetes-related security incident. Misconfigurations are the most common kind of Kubernetes vulnerability, reported by 70% of the surveyed companies. What’s one attractive target for cybercriminals? The Kubernetes control plane.

Teams must harden the perimeter of nodes, masters, core components, APIs, and public-facing pods. Otherwise, they can’t defend clusters against existing and potential vulnerabilities. Here are ten best practices to help you secure your Kubernetes control plane and speed up the deployment process.

EKS Security Checklist: 10 Best Practices for a Secure Cluster

Kubernetes is riddled with security challenges. Inevitably, the same goes for managed Kubernetes services like Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). The best way to tighten your cluster security is to implement practices that have become industry standards recommended by the Kubernetes community. Here are the ten most EKS security tactics every team needs to protect its clusters.

What Exactly Is Amazon EKS Security About?

Amazon EKS is one of the most popular managed Kubernetes services out there. It allows teams to orchestrate their containers via Kubernetes without installing and operating the Kubernetes control plane or the infrastructure required for Kubernetes clusters to run.

Kubernetes Security: 10 Best Practices From the Industry and Community

Kubernetes requires extensive configuration, and keeping container security at the right level is always challenging. One of the best ways to tighten your clusters’ security is by implementing tactics that have become industry standard. Here are the 10 most important ones.

10 Best Practices for Kubernetes Security

1. Don’t Keep Secrets in an Environment Variable

It’s a good practice to have your objects use a secret in an environment variable since other parts of your system can access environment variables. That’s why it’s best to use secrets as files or take advantage of a secretKeyRef to minimize potential attacks.