AR: Shaping the Next Decade of Fintech


Augmented reality is already becoming more commonplace by the day. Via smartphones, AR is already widely accessible throughout the world of gaming, entertainment, and even finance-based consumer applications. In terms of business, cloud access means that AR users can operate seemingly free from hardware while applications enable businesses to link the data-driven power of the computer with human judgment and expertise. 

It’s this collaboration between rich data and human intervention that makes AR an ideal asset in the world of fintech. The sector is growing while augmented reality represents the next logical step in making finance run on brand new tech. 

How Big Data and Open Banking Are Combining To Bring a New Era of Fintech-Driven Banking


The rise of technology and digital services has led to increasing customer demands for simplicity and speed. Banks and financial services institutions are continuously searching for new ways to retain and attract customers while aiming to respond to heightened consumer demand for personalized services. For this reason, customer-centric offerings continue to dominate the financial technology (FinTech) landscape. 

Personalization takes advantage of real-time data and cutting-edge technologies to deliver product or service information to customers. In an extremely competitive financial services sector, there is more pressure than ever for FinTech companies to provide customers with a better experience. 

Intelligent Vision: AR Contact Lenses Coming Soon?

Given the number of variables and lack of empirical data, there’s simply no way to measure the number of people who need to wear glasses or contact lenses in the world. For instance, some people only need visionary aid to read, some to drive, some experience short or long-sightedness and others may simply turn to glasses as a fashion accessory. Of those who use contact lenses as well as eyeglasses, over 62% wear contact lenses more often. 

Convenience, comfort, and flexibility of contact lenses are perhaps the most attributable factors to this high statistic. The small plastic lenses are incredibly portable, invisible, and negate the need to wear a whole frame on a user’s face. Contact lenses sit seamlessly on the curvature of the eye, giving the user a far wider field of view than glasses lenses - which often create blind spots and restrict vision. Contact lenses are typically less affected by adverse weather conditions such as fog and rain and are more suitable to wear when taking part in physical activity and competitive sports. 

How Big Data Will Overcome Social Distancing in Business

2020 had long been forecast by industry experts as the ‘year of remote work’, but very few could have anticipated the central role that working from home (WFH) has played in keeping businesses afloat and markets open as the new decade became hampered by the emergence of COVID-19. 

As a result, what was supposed to be three months of what many expected to be slow adoption of new conferencing and delegation technologies became what Forbes’ Laurel Farrier described as “the world’s largest WFH experiment”. 

6 Ways Blockchain Technology Delivers a Glimpse of Future Innovation in Today’s World

For some time now, the focus has predominantly been on cryptocurrencies and their phenomenal rise to fame. Cryptocurrencies work on decentralized controls. These controls eliminate the need for intermediaries thanks to blockchain technology. As the number of cryptocurrencies introduced to the market increase, blockchain technology continues to grow in leaps and bounds.

This is the type of technology which has the potential to change the current monetary system. Blockchain goes beyond the possibility of controlling digital currencies and offering faster peer-to-peer transactions. It is part of an advanced ecosystem of emerging technologies.

Ethical Education: Can AI Make Higher Education Fairer?

Can AI make higher education fairer?

AI has become something of a dirty acronym. The notion that robots will rise up and take our jobs is a popular one today, and Forbes’ Blake Morgan believes that up to 45% of current job roles are ripe for automation.

So the machines are bad news for workers? There are lots of questions surrounding the ethics of automation, but the answers are encouraging. Will artificial intelligence take over a portion of the jobs that humans do today? Yes, but AI will open up plenty of opportunities for work through highly intuitive education and re-training programs.

AI in Higher Education: Can Machines Bring University-Level Education to the Masses?

AI in higher education

Artificial intelligence is one of the most significant pieces of technology to emerge in the 21st Century. Today, it’s never more than a few meters away — whether you’re at home watching Netflix or in your car on the way to work.

It’s hard not to think of an industry that isn’t ripe for technological innovation — especially when it comes to the delicate and vital topics of healthcare and education.