Achieving Continuous Compliance

This is an article from DZone's 2023 Enterprise Security Trend Report.

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If you've ever explored regulatory compliance and cybersecurity, you'll understand the importance of continuous compliance in the digital age, where evolving technology and regulations require constant vigilance. 

A Beginners Guide to SQL Window Functions

Hello there! Are you interested in learning about SQL window functions? Well, let's not waste any time and set sail on a journey to explore some of the most fundamental window functions in SQL! We'll be navigating through some exciting SQL concepts that will help you analyze data like a pro. So, buckle up and get ready to learn!


To follow along with this tutorial, you will need: 

Efficiently Creating and Managing Views in SQL

As a developer, have you ever faced challenges finding a specific piece of information in a large set of SQL code? Or have you repeatedly created the same query for different reports? These are common problems that developers often encounter when working with SQL.

SQL views solve these issues by enabling developers to simplify intricate queries and create reusable templates for frequently used queries. However, creating and managing views can be difficult, particularly for beginners.

Containerizing MySQL With Docker and DbVisualizer

Docker is an open-source platform for building, shipping, and running applications in containers. Containers provide a lightweight and portable way to package and deploy software, making it easier to move applications between environments and platforms. By using Docker to containerize your database application, you can ensure that it runs consistently across different environments, making it easier to deploy and manage.

In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of containerizing a MySQL database using Docker and connecting to it using DbVisualizer. We will start with a simple example and then move on to more complex scenarios, including using Docker Compose to orchestrate multiple containers and using environment variables to configure our container.

A Guide To Multithreading in SQL

Are you tired of staring at your screen, waiting for your SQL queries to finish running? Delayed query time is a common problem among database administrators and developers, but it doesn't have to be that way. Optimizing performance is crucial to the smooth functioning of any application, and multithreading can be a game-changer. Imagine being able to speed up your database performance in a snap. One powerful tool at your disposal is multithreading, which allows our database to execute multiple tasks concurrently and can significantly improve the speed and efficiency of our database.

In this article, we'll dive deep into the world of multithreading in SQL, exploring various ways to implement it and the benefits it brings. We'll guide you through implementing and optimizing multithreading. We will provide you with a couple of examples and code snippets. For the more advanced users, we'll cover hot topics such as synchronization, parallel processing, and multithreaded transactions.

Preventing SQL Injection Attacks With DbVisualizer

SQL injection attacks are a major threat to database security, and they can result in data breaches, loss of sensitive information, or even complete system compromise. As a database administrator or developer, it's essential to understand the risks associated with SQL injection attacks and take steps to prevent them.

In this tutorial, we will explore SQL injection attacks, their impact on database security, and how to prevent them using DbVisualizer. We will cover various prevention techniques, including input validation, parameterized queries, and the use of prepared statements. Additionally, we will demonstrate how to use DbVisualizer to test for SQL injection vulnerabilities and monitor for suspicious activity.

Best Practices for SQL Coding and Development

We live in a data-driven world, and SQL (Structured Query Language) is essential for managing data. SQL is used to manipulate and interact with data in a relational database. It's used by businesses of all sizes, from startups to large corporations, to extract insights from their data and make informed decisions.

But writing SQL code is not just about knowing the language — it's also about using best practices for coding and development. Poorly written SQL code can lead to performance issues, security vulnerabilities, and difficult-to-maintain databases. On the other hand, well-written code can make your database faster, more secure, and easier to manage.

Mastering the Trino Connection: Unleash the Power of DbVisualizer!

In today's data-driven world, organizations face the challenge of handling massive volumes of data across various systems. To extract valuable insights, powerful tools are needed. Enter Trino, an open-source distributed SQL query engine that empowers organizations to process and query large datasets from multiple sources.

But to unleash Trino's full potential, you need a trusty sidekick like DbVisualizer. This superhero of database management and development tools offers a user-friendly interface and a complete platform for working with different databases. DbVisualizer acts as a centralized hub, effortlessly connecting you to Trino and other data stores like Hadoop, Cassandra, and MySQL.

Automating Database Operations With Ansible and DbVisualizer

In this tutorial, we will explore how to automate database operations using Ansible and DbVisualizer. Ansible is a powerful automation tool that allows you to define and manage infrastructure as code, while DbVisualizer is a feature-rich database management tool that enables you to interact with various databases. By combining these two tools, Ansible automates repetitive database tasks and streamlines your workflows, while DbVisualizer helps you visualize your database during the process. We will cover the installation and configuration of Ansible and DbVisualizer and demonstrate how to automate common database operations using Ansible playbooks.


  1. Basic knowledge of databases and SQL.
  2. Familiarity with Ansible concepts and syntax.
  3. Access to a target database server.
  4. Python 3.7 or later
  5. PyMySQL installed using pip install PyMySQL
  6. [DbVisualizer]

We’ll start by telling you a couple of things about Ansible and then tell you how to automate your database operations. Follow along!

Writing Reusable SQL Queries for Your Application With DbVisualizer Scripts

The most outstanding data scientists and engineers are frequently distinguished from others by their ability to build reusable code. It is essential to have this skill, especially if you oversee database operations, which have a significant impact on how smoothly your application runs. In other words, your codebase will function poorly if it contains pointless or repetitious code, but it will work well if it has useful or reusable code.

This tutorial will cover writing some popular SQL queries executed regularly in most applications, making them reusable, and saving them with the features available in DbVisualizer.

API Best Practices You Should Know

Building quality APIs is essential to facilitating equally quality software. Think about it like this, If a waiter in a restaurant has terrible habits, then the restaurant’s overall quality will be affected. We don’t want that, right? This article will look at some tips and best practices you should remember when building and consuming APIs.

Tips to Remember When Building APIs

Is the API easily readable?

An API should be easy to read as this will make it easy to understand as well. Readability includes API definitions and response messages. Writing readable code also applies to software development as this will make it easier for further development and collaboration with other developers. Use readable response messages that include both error and success messages clearly stated out using standard error codes to give more understanding to the API users.

The 5 Best SQL Adapters for Your Python Project

Choose the Best SQL Adapter for Your Python Project


This article will explain what a database connector is and cover the pros and cons of some popular python SQL connectors.

What is a Database Connector?

A database connector is a driver that works like an adapter that connects a software interface to a specific database vendor implementation.

Build an Analytics Dashboard With Django and Arctype


As Python's premier web framework, Django provides the foundation upon which many web applications have been built, facilitating rapid development without sacrificing stability.  Amongst other versatile functionalities, Django integrates seamlessly with SQL databases, so today, we'll be using the framework to implement basic site analytics data recording.  Then, we'll use this data to create gorgeous visualizations in an Arctype dashboard, which will keep track of the following:

  • Registrations, logins, and logouts.
  • User activity by day.
  • Breakdown of user activity on a selected day.

To achieve this, we will be utilizing Django's ORM and Arctype (of course!)