designing a flipflop

Design a three-bit counter using T-FFs. The counter has one input X. The counter counts odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7) if X = 0 and counts even numbers (0, 2, 4, 6) if X = 1. If X = 1 and the current number is odd, the counter will go to the next even number. likewise, if X = 0 and the current number is even, the counter will go to the next odd.
**wanting to make have I did good so far ;-; been struggling a lot, next step is just drawing if I wasn't mistaken""


have anyone went through this Q before?..

Using the test board, one 74138 Decoder chip and two 7404 Inverter chips, connect the circuit shown in Fig-3. The inputs A0, A1, A2 & E must be connected to switches to implement the various cases of the inputs. The outputs must be connected to LEDs. Connect the circuit to a power supply then complete the logic truth table shown in Table-3A, based on the knowledge that when the light is ON then the output is logic (1), and when it is OFF the output is logic (0). Disconnect the LEDs from the circuit and use the DMM to measure the output voltages, then complete the voltage table shown in Table-3B. How many enables inside this chip ? What is the function of this circuit ? Compare the circuits in Fig-2 & Fig-3.

need it asap ;-;

  1. Methods to search for a book
    If the user chooses that option he should be asked of he wants to search for it using the books title (or part of it) or using the name of one of the authors (or part of the name)
    Depending on that search the user should go through the Library.txt file and print all the books matching that certain criteria. And if none was found an appropriate message should be printed. (the search needs to be case sensitive as the user can search using lower case letters or upper case one)

i really need help with this Q, and i’m comfused with kinda bit with this q

A number m is called a proper divisor of n if m<n and m divides n. A positive integer is perfect if it is the sum of its proper positive divisors. For example 28 is perfect because 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28 . 1, 2, 4, 7, and 14 are the proper positive divisors of 28.
Write a java program ask the user to enter any positive number and the program will find if this number is perfect or not;