Off-Page SEO for WordPress: Tactics and Best Practices

There are over 455 million WordPress websites worldwide, and if yours is one of them, you have a serious challenge – standing out from the crowd. Sounds like a mission impossible. But you can achieve that. How? Three letters – SEO. However, search engine optimization can get quite confusing because of how multi-layer this strategy […]

The post Off-Page SEO for WordPress: Tactics and Best Practices first appeared on WPArena and is written by Noor Mustafa Raza.

Major and Secondary Search Engines and Directories to Submit Website

There are a few major search engines, and hundreds of smaller ones that vary in specificity. What benefits can search engines offer to your website? A search engine is software that collects information about web pages. This information includes keywords, phrases, URL, code, and links. The software indexes and stores this information in a database. […]

Integrating An Email Management System Into WordPress

WordPress is a flexible platform that works well for different types of websites. Whether you’re running a blog, news site, magazine, university, college, eCommerce store, or business website, WordPress can manage a variety of tasks efficiently. Its versatility makes it suitable for handling diverse website needs effectively. Email newsletters are a great way to increase […]

The post Integrating An Email Management System Into WordPress first appeared on WPArena and is written by Noor Mustafa Raza.

Top Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes

Design and functionality are essential aspects of any successful website. And with the abundance of WordPress themes and plugins available, you have the power to elevate your site to new heights. In this article, we will explore the latest and most effective WordPress themes and plugins to help you enhance your website’s appearance and performance. […]

How to Improve WordPress Navigation Menu

A well-structured and organized navigation menu is essential for any website. It allows visitors to quickly find the content they are looking for, improving their overall browsing experience. In this tutorial, we will discuss various techniques to enhance and improve the navigation menu of your WordPress website. 1. Utilize the Custom Menu and Appearance Menus […]

Publishing Blog Posts via Email: WordPress and Blogger

If you want to add posts to your blog without opening the WP Admin and logging in, you can set up your WordPress installation to accept posts sent via email. This tutorial will guide you through the process of setting up a special secret email address that can receive emails and automatically turn them into […]

Ultimate Guide to Managing WordPress Multi Sites

If you are planning to run a WordPress multisite, there are several crucial steps you need to follow in order to set everything up correctly. It’s important to thoroughly follow these steps to ensure that your additional sites function properly. Let’s dive into the process of creating and managing a WordPress multisite network. Enabling the […]

How To Use WordPress as an eCommerce Store

The digital era has propelled online shopping into the limelight, making e-commerce a thriving sector. Leveraging platforms like WordPress can greatly simplify launching an online store. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you get started. 1. Installing WordPress: Automatic Installation: Many web hosting services facilitate WordPress installation with a mere click: Here is a complete […]

How to Customize fonts in WordPress blog with CSS3

Before we dive into the tutorial, it is essential to understand the importance of respecting font designers’ hard work, copyrighted and licensed fonts. When embedding fonts into your website, make sure to use truly “open-source” and free fonts or have the proper licensing rights. Choosing Compatible Font Types To ensure compatibility across popular browsers such […]

How to Create Special Text Areas with CSS in WordPress Post

Would you like to draw readers’ attention to certain text in your blog posts? One effective way to achieve this is by creating eye-catching and stylish text boxes. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to easily create text boxes using CSS. We’ll create two classes, right_box and left_box, which will float the text boxes […]

How to Display Different Numbers of Posts in WordPress

In WordPress, you have the ability to control the number of posts displayed on each page of your website. Several options are available to achieve this, ranging from global settings to specific plugins and even direct adjustments to the loop itself. Global Setting via Admin Area To access the global setting for the number of […]

How to Expand/Collapse WordPress Posts with jQuery

WordPress has a feature that allows you to make your post “Condensable” for the main post view page. However, sometimes this feature may not meet your requirements. If you want to allow your users to expand the post that interests them while keeping them in the context of all the other post headlines, you can […]

Theme Design Complete: Where Do I Promote My WordPress Theme

Are you a WordPress theme designer who would rather focus on design than the business aspects of selling your themes? Look no further! In this article, we will explore popular marketplaces that can handle the specifics of payments, promotion, and downloading, allowing you to concentrate on what you love – designing. Introduction Designing WordPress themes […]

3 Methods Of Finding Free WordPress Plugins

When it comes to enhancing the functionality and automation of your blog, using plugins is essential. However, with over 50,366 plugins available in the official WordPress plugin database, it can be overwhelming to choose the right ones. In this article, we will explore different methods to find worthwhile free WordPress plugins and ensure they are […]

15 Best CSS Tools for Perfection

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a fundamental language used for styling webpages. To make the most of your CSS development, having the right tools is essential. Here, we present the 15 best CSS tools that can enhance your workflow and productivity. 1. CodePen 2. Sass 3. PostCSS 4. Tailwind CSS 5. CSS Grid Generator Certainly! […]

How To Test Your WordPress Site For Errors

Validating a website is an essential step to ensure that its pages adhere to the standards defined by various organizations. By validating a website, you can ensure consistent interpretation of your web pages by search engines, users, and visitors. In this article, we will discuss the importance of website validation and provide you with an […]